Friday, March 5, 2010


When you're under the influence of alcohol, the alcohol starts doing your thinking for you. What does that mean ? Do you agree? Why, or why not?


Anonymous said...

Well, when you're drunk you can't make good decsions. It seems like it's the right choice when you're doing it; but after... I'm just gonna say it: I've been drunk before, and it seems like a lot of fun at first and while you're drunk, but hangovers are killer (and not in a good way).
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

I think alcohal in moderation is good.I think when you are drunk and making bad decisions like driving, or walking around by yourself you aren't doing any good. When the alcohal take's over I guess you don't know what your doing. But Im not sure because I have never drank before!!
:)) Leah Oattes

Anonymous said...

This means that when your drunk the alcohol takes over your mind and makes you do some pretty outrageous stuff. Yes I do agree and I do have some experience with my father and it can get pretty scary. I am so against it its not even funny. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

well what happens is the alcohol litterally does take over you. it gets into your blood stream and goes through your body affecting everything in different ways. so yeah, alchol does do your thinking for you. well, in most cases... like if you drink alot... then your deffinately toast and should be put on lock down or something... but when you drink a tiny bit, you do still have control, you just have to be smart about it and stay in a safe place until it's all cleared out.
~jessicaaa s~ :)

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is nice on occasion or maybe just a little a day. My dad is pretty stressed out a lot so at dinner he might have a glass of water and maybe a little wine, but never anymore then one glass. However, if your drinking excessive amounts of it at one point and can take over you mind. Well, not can, It will. When your mad drunk it can make you do some pretty risky things. It could be not too serious, somewhat, or deadly, like you can walk in front of a car and kill yourself. That may seem a little harsh, but it's the truth.
When alcohol is taking over your mind I sometimes refer to it as being possessed because someone/something is taking over your mind and actions.


Anonymous said...

I think you can have more than one glass of wine and not be drunk.It depends how much your body can hold.If your drinking and not eating with it you will get drunk faster.

Leah O.

Anonymous said...

i agree with everyone :D
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

yes i agree that acohol starts to do your thinking for you because it makes it soo your brain doesnt think straight and starts to blur your judgment on things that you know you shouldent do and if you were drunk you probally wouldent doo them..but since your not thinking at 100% your not going to make the best decision for your well being..


Anonymous said...

i think that alcohol does take over your thinking when you drink too much. it also depends on your age too though. like if your younger, your gonna get drunk alot easier, i think. but when it does take over you, you dont think straight and you might do some pretty stupid things that you probably regret after. but honestly i dont really know because ive never had experience with it. like ive never drank alcohol before and my parents never get out of control with it where they get drunk. so i really dont know what its like to see your parents all... weird. so if im wrong, tell me because this is just what i think and what i heard and learned in health glass about alcohol!!


Anonymous said...

Me too Bridget!!

Leah O.

Anonymous said...

I love what you said Bridget!
~Jules :)

Mr. G said...

Is it hard to resist when your friends are doing it? Are those that do drink at your age considered "cool?" How many 8th graders like to "party," in your opinion?

Anonymous said...

Ive had expriences not with drinking but with people smoking pot around me and honestly i said no because its not cool to do that kind of stuff because eventually it can lead to different things and really why would you want to screw with your body in that way? and the people who smoke around me and/or drink around me they just act stupid and i dont want to do that to myself. there is no reason, and how does that make you "cool?" and with drinking to there are people who have done it around me and it just makes them seem stupid as they get and its not fun. it makes me sick to my stomach wen people think there "cool" by doing that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

i think it means that when you are under the influence, you cant function right and you dont think about the things you do. Its out of your control. I totally agree. It controls you and your actions. We see people all the time blaming their actions on alcohol and they are technically right. If they hadn't been drunk they would have thought about what they were going to do more throughly.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is a drug and a poison. The more you drink it, the more of it you need to consume at one time. You need to have it. At least that's what you think. And when alcoholics aren't drinking, what are they doing? You guessed it. They are thinking about drinking. They probably think that their life is at it's end. But they are to drunk all the time or they just don't care about themselves. All they have to do is think for themselves. So, yes I do think that when people are drunk, alcohol does tell them what to dobecause they don't want to listen to themselves.

Jon H.

Anonymous said...

I think that a resonable amout of acohol doesn't take over your thinking if you are over 21. But if you are way under the influence the alchol begins to take over you like a disease. So to much can lead to bad decsions and can really mess you up in a long term affect if you drink it daily.

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

you know sometimes in movies like superbad, the kids who bring the alchol to a under aged party are considered cool and are like heros. But i don't think thats true in real life. I think that its not cool and its just not right for anyone under aged to be drinking.

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

zach i agree with you to a point of were if your 21 its will not take you over, but say you drink so much and your just totally wasted you really cant think at all you just like i said theres been peole who drink and smoke around me and drinking and smoking are two different things but there alike in a way that they both make you stupid and people have told me that drinking you feel the same as wen you smoke (weed) but you black out after you have too much to drink and you have no recall on wat happend while you were drinking. wen you smoke it kind of wears off in a sence, but you still get equally as stupid.
