Friday, March 12, 2010


Should teachers intervene when they witness peer cruelty? To what extent?

What role should adults in school have to diminish peer cruelty?

Do you think teachers “get it”? Why or why not? PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS!


Anonymous said...

I think that teachers should sit down and talk to the both kids the bully and the bullied. When they have this talk you really have to talk to the bully about how it must feel to be the other person. I don't know if they should give out punishments because the kid being bullied might get it worse after they tell. I think that all parent should have a talk with there child if they hear of anything happening involving there child. Some teachers get it others don't. Some teachers forget everything from there past when others use that information to help their students. :)MATT(: #1

Anonymous said...

I feel that when teachers witness peer cruelty they should intervene, but only to a certain extent. Depending on how bad the cruelty is, that is how harsh the punishment should be. If there's a fight there should maybe be 2 in school suspensions, where if there is name calling, maybe just send them down to the principal and make sure that he/she takes care of it the right way. They should have no role to make the peer cruelty a smaller priority. They should take peer cruelty seriously because they may not realize it, but peer cruelty is changing, or even for some people, taking lives. But honestly, I don not feel that some teachers "get it". They think it happens once and not again, so they don't do anything about it, but this only goes for so e teachers. There are very few, but at least some, teachers in the school that you can go to and actually have them listen and understand you, where there are other teachers who think that with you being picked on, maybe your the problem. They really don't understand what you can be going through... and sometimes the teachers, even the principals are way to easy on kids.. but it seems like only certain kids get away with things.


Anonymous said...

i agree with matt. i think that some teachers understand because they remember what it was like when they were younger... but some teachers just dont care. although i do think that they should intervenne. i really agree with matt when he said that the person getting bullied might get it even worse when/if they tell because i have personal experience where when you tell an adult and dont handle it yourself.. they make fun of you even more.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree autumn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

totally agree with yours jackiee!!
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

I agree with Autumn and Matt. i think that some teachers dont understand where were coming from because like autumn said they remember when they were 14 and what it was like and others just dotn care. I think teachers should intervenne only to make school a place where everyone doesnt have to walk in in the morning and pretend to be someone there not.

Anonymous said...

thx autumn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

110% i agree with matt

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should get involved. However, to an extent. If a teacher does such a harsh punishment it will get the bully angry and want revenge, but I'm not really sure what they could do about it to cause that not to happen, the revenge. I would have to think about it. It also depends on what kind of cruelty it is. I don't think teachers "get it" they think that, "Oh they had detention, there an angel now, they won't bother anyone more...they learned there lesson" Which we all know isn't true and think that's just ridiculous and it is.


Anonymous said...

i think that teachers should intervene because if they don't the bully of the situation is not only the kid but the teacher too. the teachers should show the "soul stealer" that if you do this that there will be something done so the kid being picked on knows that someone is there to watch out and show that they're not the person who needs to toughen up or change.
teacher do get whats going on just they dont know how to handle the problem.

Craig <* vanilla snow Mr.T

Anonymous said...

Should teachers intervine? They should. To what extent? As far as they can go without breaking any laws. The best way for a teacher to act is to be kind. Be a Mr. G sort of teacher, someone who is cool. But if someone is being cruel to a peer or someone below them, teachers should make that soul-ripper feel the same pain as the victim to the same extent or more. I think all teachers "get" what it's like to be in school deep inside. They just forget most of what happened to them, and what they've witnessed. They are to used to life as adults, where you can't do anything bad without risk of a lawsuit or worse.

►Dan Fink◄

Anonymous said...

Yes teachers should interven when they see something cruel like a child being picked on because that specific child will remember that moment for the rest of their lifes and most of them...that moment is holding them back from something they want to do...teachers should watch closer on what childeren are doing and not focus soo much on the friends joking aroud and more on the kids who mean what they say when they call someone a ""...I think that some adults understand it because they were made fun of unmercierafully and know how it feels to be picked upon for being "different" in some small imperfection that is really just them being themselfs....

>John Magyar<

Anonymous said...

I personoly dont really think that adults should interfear with the problems that children. They can talk to you about it if the problems are getting worse. I think the kid should just have to deal with it their selves. Teachers should just try to talk to the kids that are giving out the problems and try to fix it. Most teachers will never get it. As Mr. G and Mrs. Carr said the teacher dont push it deapenough on us. They dont really realize that kids these days know more than they think.

Anonymous said...

Teachers souldn't intervine with peer cruelty, at first. They should if it gets too bad; like if someone said one cruel thing to something and didn't keep doing it, then i don't think that they should say anything. But if it gets as bad as Peter, then they should step in.
I don't really know what roll adults should have; I guess they should just be there for kids and not be a teacher all the time, be a person sometimes.
I like what you said, Dan, but I disagree with one point you made: I think all teachers "get" what it's like to be in school deep inside. I think that some teachers get, but not all. Like, teachers that like, share things about their experinces and try to remember what it's like to be 13 or 14. But others who think that all kids these days amount to nothing will never get it.
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

Oops! I wrote "Like, teachers that like, share things about their experinces and try to remember what it's like to be 13 or 14" I meant to put get it after 14. :)
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

Guys, I just saw a video on Comcast, and it really said something to me. A perfect example of cruelty:
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should get involved, but only if they plan to do something useful about it.Teachers should talk to the kids that are repetitivly bullying and punish them.Kids that are vitims shouldn't be blamed and the teacher shouldn't tell the bully or bullies if the vitim told them or not.The teacher should say they reconized it.I think some teachers "get it" because some teachers are taking a stand and doing something about it. Some teachers might not remember or had it happen to them severly or enough to effect them, but they should still be watching for warning signs.

Leah O.:)

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should intervene in all cruelty or bullying or voilence. If they know its to friends saying stuff to eachother ands they know they dont mean it i think that they should just tell them to stop. Adults roles should be to try to prevent it and stop it. Some teachers do get it but not all. Some blow everything out of proportion while others know when to intervene. Some are also a little less strict then others in my opion.

Luke Gilbert

Anonymous said...

I think that if a teacher knows two kids are really good friends and they are going at each other but then they start to laugh than the teacher should go over and tell them to stop because it looks like they are fighting and they dont want to get the kids in trouble. But if a teacher should see two kids that dont usually hang out and they are going out each other than the teacher should break it up and send them to the principle and give the kids 2 days of in school suspension. I really dont think teachers can have a role to stop peer cruelty because as many times as they send the kid to the office and punish them they are still going to do it beacuse they are angry and they want revenge like what Hayley said. I think at some point teachers "got" peer cruelty but once they grew up and became adults they lost that feeling of what others thinka nd all they think is that if they see someone fighting they need to break it up and punish them immediately. I just think the level of peer cruelty would probably decrease if the students knew that the teachers actually felt what we are feeling.

-jessica packard

Anonymous said...

wow jules that video is insane
i would never think that a teacher would go that far and write LOSER multiple times on a little girls paper
thats really cool that you checked that out and put it on the blog

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

i watched that video yesterday. that was insane! how is that "connecting with your students"??
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

i think that if the teacher witness's it, the bully and bullied should be pulled aside without the bullied being blamed for not sticking up for him or herself but to the extent of maybe a talk and if it happend again i believe there should be punishments. the teachers or staff should have the role of atleast being able to talk to the students, but more than that to diminish peer cruelty i think puniments would help but in the same way work against wat your doing because it just may keep the bully angry. and i believe some teachers not all but some teachers get it in a way such as mr. g and ms. carr i believe they get it and there the easiest to talk to about something like that happening. but yes some teachers may get it.


Anonymous said...

I think teachers should interven to stop whatever is going on at that time, but anything that they do after that is just pointless because we all know that nothing really gets better it normally just gets worse for the victim next time and it happens time after time and we all know it. I dont think that adults can do anything to stop bullying is a vicious circle that never ends. I dont think teachers get it unless they were the ones on the other end of the joke or the person with a fist in their face because until then I dont think they'll ever get it.

Anonymous said...

I think that teachers should only intervene when nessisary. Like first before doing anything, think about each one's feelings in the situation... kind of go into each of their shoes and be them to see what is really going on. Then once you know that somethings really going on, interfere. Have a talk seperately with each of them to see where they're coming at. Try and have them talk it out and if that doesn't work, get more help and bring in consequences. Adults should know what is going on with any child. They should make them feel safe to tell them things that bug them... be like a friend. Doing this would make you understand more of what is going on so you could try to prevent it. Some get it others don't. It depends on whether you have kids of your own or have experienced situations yourself. Others forget what it was like and just jump into little cases and send them to the princaples or something when it really isn't needed.
-jessica s- :)

Anonymous said...

Do you think teachers “get it”? Why or why not?
I think teachers should intervene if to and extent. Like when to friends are messing around they dont intervene way to much. But when it is actual cruelty they dont do anything about it. I think they need to pay more attention to what is actually happening before they punish someone for their actions. And for them to diminish peer cruelty all they have to do it pay more attention to the kids who they see do it all the time. Cause when they see a kid who never bullies someone they punish them way to much. And when they see a kid do it who always does they do like nothing about it.
~~michaela howell(:

Anonymous said...

I think that teachers should intervene when they see someone getting hurt physically and, or emotionally by their peers. Although, only to a certain extent. I think that if the teacher sticks up for the person who is the one getting bullied, that person might get harrassed even more, outside of school when theres no adult, because they got an adult to be their "body gaurd". I think there should be a punishment for the bully so they could either experience the way that the people they are bullying or get help for the reason why they were doing this to someone, because there always is.

I think that the role of adults should be to watch more closeley at what goes on when they arent looking, and see who the actual good people are. Also, they should punish the bully when no one else is there so they dont get put on the spot by their peers and have the say something that would make them still seem "cool" about why they did it. and no, i dont think they "get it". because i think that they forget about what its like to be a kid in middle school and the emotions that come with it.


Anonymous said...

I think that teachers should really stop trying to intervene as much as they do. Once they get passed a certain age than it really just need to take a chill pill and maybe listen to what is really happening then I bet it would be different. Actually The teachers almost bay us along your school career. One thing when your around 5 years old than teachers really just should STOP. We have been preached for many years not to bully, but than if you look around the school yard at recess than there are probably bulling going around. Not matter what teacher say or do there are going to be mean people in the world. And when some people are going to get into the real world than ... they just would not know what to do when somebody is mean to them. I have probably have said this a million time, but it is true nobody can stop the world from having its ups and downs.
Omg don't even try to get me on teachers get it. See as Mr. G may or may not have said "teachers aid the wrong person ( the person that is being bullied) they never do the right thing to correct the kid that is the bully." This hole thing is probably of topic but I am going to my train of thought. And than half the time they accuse a child it is the wrong kid

***** Michael Knox *****

Anonymous said...

Thanks! And I know, right? He said it was how he connected with I don't see how that's connecting with anyone.
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

I think when a teacher witnesses peer cruelty I think they should step in and see what is going on. If they are just fooling around don’t punish them as if they were actually trying to hurt each other. If 2 kids are fighting it away ways seems that the one that victim gets in trouble with the bully. When sometimes the victim didn’t do anything wrong. I think some teachers go too far with some punishments and some rules that they make. It’s hard to stop all the cruelty in schools because that’s the only thing some kids know to do. I really don’t know how the explain it. Some teachers might “get it” and others don’t. It really deepens on the teacher if that particular teacher got picked on in school or if that teacher was the bully.
Leah D.

Anonymous said...

I think that adults should intervene, untill the bullying or whatever STOPS comlpetely, and will be no sign of the bullying anymore. They should basicly, first talk to the princible then to both the victim and bully by themselves without yelling at the victim but disaplining the bully. Then talk it over with the parents of both of the bully and victim. After the teacher should do something about it. No I don't think teachers get it. They don't know how to deal with it, they don't do anything about it, and they also bully the victims to, not knowingly I guess you could say. Either way its wrong just wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should definitely intervene when they see peer cruelty, and when they do witness the cruelty they should send the bully to the principal. The only reason the victim should be sent to the principal is to help explain what happened. The teachers should be the peacekeepers of the school, sort of like the UN. They shouldn’t increase the bullying, only stop it. Then they should report them to the principal. I think “getting it” is being able to tell whether or not the punishment worked or was just temporary. I don’t think many teachers in our school get it, they just give a punishment and think it works, then when the bully bullies again, they seem surprised. It is ridiculous. I don’t know why they don’t get it. I also don’t know why they think if everyone signs a “contract”, that would stop the bullying. The bully just signs it and doesn’t care.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Theresa don't stop watching until the bully or vitcim stop showing signs.Even then I would still keep an eye out.


Anonymous said...

I think that teachers should intervene when they see a kid geting beat up physically or emotionally. Even though i think most teachers don't intervene at all. Ms.Carr and Mr.G are one of the few who intervene with bullying.I really don't know if teachers get the cruelty of it. Some deffinatly do but most of them don't get it or just don't care. School should be a safe place for all kids. But bullies rip that feeling out of kids.I think that part of a teachers job should be to help the victims of bullying.

zach anderson

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you zach.teachers should intervene wether it be something minor to something minnor. a child's physical and emotional state are at stake and if you can do anything to save that fragile, priceless, center of a teen's world you should. and you'd have to be a really really disturbed person to mess with that. also it is true that you like never see a teacher intervene. and if they do its most likely a teacher who the perpetraitors don't respect and once they turn their back they go right back to whatever they were doing.but when a teacher like mr.g or ms carr intervene the the act of violence (because in a way that is what bullying is)seizes immediately.yes they shouldnt have to say anything in the first place but it does show a level of respect for i know are my favorite teachers =)

~Veronica Lee Browne~

Anonymous said...

yes i think that if teachers see cruelty going on in school they should intervene. Just like if you saw someone getting beat in the streets you would call the police. and the extent of the punishment should be judged by the extent of the act comiteed. in other words, if a kid steals a pencil he shoulnt be suspended. its also the adults role to teach about bullying and prevent it before it happens. some adults get it and some dont.

dan hoffng

Anonymous said...

i really agree with Bridget. A person could get really, harshly bullied outside of school when there are no adults because the then bullied wouldnt have anything/any way to protect him/her self.

I do agree that adults should intervein, but only to the really serious looking fights. I think that teachers pay way too much attention to the friends joking around than to the serious im gonna "beat you up after school" people, and i think that the bullier should get punished (if bullier is a word) but i just dont know how.

~Autumn <33m

Anonymous said...

Yes i do think that teachers should intervene on peer cruelty. To the extent of keeping people from getting hurt. The role that they play is that it is their job to teach the peers nonviolence and non-bullying(sorry mr g and ms carr i know you hate that word). I think that some teachers "get it" and some teachers dont. For example mr g and ms carr's greatest concern is to make better us people. And to other teacher's it's just to get through the curriculum and to teach us about their subject. But to mr g and ms carr they are preparing us for life and what is coming ahead of us and they dont bs us and tell us that everything is roses and daisies. So in my opinion the only teachers that sincerely "get it" are mr g and ms carr

D@n 0

Anonymous said...

Teachers should try to intervene when they see peer cruelty to any extent. Adults really can not diminish peer cruelty no matter what they try to do peer cruelty will never stop. And most adults don't get it and never will.
But there are some adults that do get it.

Anonymous said...

the one above is from me

Shawn Miller

Anonymous said...

Of course they should intervene! just because there a theachers dosent mean that teachings thier only reponsability in the school. They should intervene to the point were a talk with bully and bully victim about the situation and what's wrong with it is nessicary, that's the best a teacher can do. Many don't get it because as mr.G said, "the reason adults don't get the lifes
of teenagers and the stress their under is because they FORGET".


Anonymous said...

Teachers should definatly intervene when they witness peer cruelty to th extent that it takes to make sure that the victim is safe from any harm. Even if the kid hates the teacher, in the long run they will be glad to know that someone has their back.
To diminish peer cruelty, teachers should use things that arent noticable, like stand out in the hall. That way the kids are too scared to be cruel, usually.
i deffinatly think that teachers "get it" because even though it was a different time when they were our age, they still were at some point. even if they were in bright neon with big puffy hair, they still know what it feels like to be a kid.

Anonymous said...

I feel that teachers should definetly intervene if in the situation someone were to be being cruel to another. But i think no matter how bad the consequence. The kid getting picked on will still get picked on. I feel that there really isnt anything you can do to stop cruelty. There will always be that kid who wants to cause trouble and make a kids life hell.



John F Rebori said he couldnt do his Blog entry because his internet was down. .. Just saying

Anonymous said...

I think teachers pay attention to children when they are joking around more then they do when children are actually getting bullied. I think before teachers say anything to anyone they should go to the victim and find out what's going on. It's important that adults get involved or something serious may come of it. To deminish peer cruelity I think teachers are going to have to do allot, I think serious punishment should be involved along with plenty of lectures. If children get annoyed enough with a punishment they'll stop because they don't want to go through them again, and I think after the first time the punishment should get greater everytime. I really don't think teachers "get it". Teachers don't even get when friends joke around. When you punish someone for something that he knows is okay with the other person is just not right, and then when its realy no one seems to take the right path to making it better.


Anonymous said...

I feel that a teacher should most definetly stop cruelty if it were to be happening at that moment. If teachers dont intervene than the whole situation will get worse. Bullying should stop and one of the only ways to make it stop is to get involved. Bullying is horrible and teachers and parents need to get involved to stop what is going on.

Anonymous said...

i think they should do more about the bullying thing in our school. i dont get why they dont really do anything as a punishment for bullying in our school yet if you your phone goes off in class its an after school detention? thats messed up, whats more important? bullying or little things like a cell phone going off?

Anonymous said...

sry tht was from brett i forgot to put my name at the bottom

Anonymous said...

I think That teachers should intervene when they see crulty. I think they should try to eradicate crulty when they catch it. Adults should have a strong part in the dimminish school bullieing. Say if they see a kid getting picked on in the hallway they should not just walk bye, but if they do come over I think there punishment should be more extrem so it might teach the kid a leason so he may learn the right way. On the teachers getting it I think some do and other don't. I think that some teachers really try to stop bullieing but they don't it a way. like you cant give the bullie a second chance in anyway.
Zack Aho :)

Anonymous said...

I believe that teachers should stop cruetly in our school if they witness it. And I don't mean them saying stop that I mean really putting it to an end by making sure this person doesn't continue. And depending on how bad the cruelty is they should e punished for it. Not just a lunch detentionbecuase that does absolutly nothing. More severe. Ad parents should be aware if cruelty in and out if school

Anonymous said...

Sorry the last post was me
Zach wood