Eleanor Roosevelt said "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." Write about this quote. What does it mean? How true is it? Can you think of cases where it might not be true? In what kinds of situations would this quote be most useful to remember?
i think that people can make you feel inferior because if someone makes fun of you it tears you down mentally. even though you try not to let it bug you it usually does. haha im first to comment!!!!!! yes!
brett blancha
I Think this is very true.If someone is trying to be inferior over you ur basicly letting them control you.I dont know how to make it stop, like i dont want to fight back to start anything.Some of my friends try to be inferior to me and i think its just bacause im quite.
Leah D
this means that no one can put you down and make you feel like u are worthless with out your permition. I think that this is true up to an extent, because people can pick on you all they want but it only can make you feel down about yourself if you take it in and let it bother you and if you let it bother you you can end up being depressed but if you dont let it bother you you wolnt have any problems with depression. This would be the most useful in situations when people are makeing fun of you or trying to make you feel like you dont belong in any part of society.
-Kyle Abrams
This is very true. The onLy way you can feel inferior is if you take it in. People can say what they want about you. But if your not like SCREW YOU! And ignoretem you'll be ok, but if you think about what they said and think it's true you'll become inferior.
Zach Wood
I agree with what Brett said.
I think that what Leah said about popularity plays a part here as well; that if we move out of the way and feed their egos, then we feel inferior too.
~Jules :)
I think that in feel life, there is no inferiority. I think that the bullies prey on who they consider weak. Then the person who is getting picked on gets insecure about themselves and then they start to question their existence. If we just laughed at the bullies instead of letting all that effect us, there would be no inferior feelings. (In short "Mind over Matter")
Jon H.
I meant to say in real life.Blah.
Jon H.
I think that the people who make other people feel inferior are mostly doing it because they are feeling inferior themselves, and the only way they know how to feel more superior is by trying to make others feel lower. But by making somebody feel inferior, they are only lowering themselves more. The person who is being picked on shouldn't let it get to them, because the person that made you feel low is really lower than you, and thinks that you are better than them. The only reason it would hurt is if the person let it hurt.
I love what you said, but I don't get what you said about in real life. Are you saying that people teasing and picking on other people isn't real life? That it's some sick fantasy?
~Jules :)
Love what you said Ben!
~Jules :)
Thanks Julianne!
mr g this is for you i like holding some pain because it makes me a stronger person and it is motivation for me i know it sounds wierd what i am saying but
john f in rebori
Well for me I don't let anyone make me feel inferior no matter what they say. I just remember how low they must be to be making fun of me and I'll just call them names inappropriate for this blog. I know how some people say everyone makes fun of me and I wanna kill myself and I can see that being an issue, but I guess I wasn't pumbled everyday with criticism and names as much as they were. Also I wasn't the popular kid everyone tells me I am now. All thanks to Eric Shugars who picked me up from hating who I was in the morning and let me sit with them at his lunch table. From that week on I was proud of what I found myself looking at every morning in the mirror. I just now remembered he did that for me and I thank you for that, and Mr.G and Mrs.Carr I think that is a pretty good hippo if you ask me. I was the kid that most people would make fun of, but as soon as Eric excepted me into that group me whole life changed. I really got off topic, but I really wanted to tell that story. Thank you Eric :)MATT(:
matt i like what you said but you say some stough to me sometimes that anoys me that isnt needed and you do it in front of jake or nick and do you have any idea what that makes me feel sometimes. Just think about that please
did anyone else notice the hippopotamus at the top??? hahah
~Jules :)
i think this quote is so true. the only way you can feel inferior to someone is if you let them. Instead of letting what they said or did get to you, just forget about it, ignore it, and don't give them that satisfaction of having it bug you because when you do, that makes them feel that they have some sort of control or power over you. in some cases it will be really hard to just ignore it, but you should always try your best to stay strong, this way it won't happen again and you won't have to keep trying to build yourself back up over and over. :)
-jessica s-
It's sometimes to take control.But that's what we all should strive to do.Even though it's very hard to branch out and you feel akward and like your disrespecting people, you're really not. If you go and do your own thing you will be happier when you think back to when you were a kid and even an adult. Stand out and be yourself don't be afraid there's 100 other people in your boat trying to do the same thing.I am still sturggling to try to break out myself.
Leah O.
Matt I thought yours was great!!!!
lEAH o.
I think "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission" means no one can make you feel in power if you don't believe you are. This quote is very true. If you don't think you can control your own life people will control it for you. You'll do whatever people want you to. This girl in my old school, Alicia, never made choices for herself. She did whatever everyone else was doing, no questions asked. This saying would be good to remember if one of your friends is pressuring to do something you don't want to do. If you don't want to do something, don't do it! Make choices for yourself. The other day 3 girls planned a suicide pact. They jumped in front of a train, all but one. That day that girl made a choice for herself. Make your own choices. Think things through. Sometimes what your friends are doing isn't the best idea. Use your own brain. You weren't given a mind to use someone elses.
-Amanda Bartholomew
i think that this is so true.. the only way that people can be above you, is if you let them. you when you see that what they have that you dont, you start to think that they are so much better than you which makes them superior.. and that makes you inferior.. so you only put it on your self, and when we think that people are superior, then they think that they are too.. and thats what makes the superior and inferior.
p.s. matt i really like what you said!!
Bridget nice job!!
Leah O.
You too Amanda I really like you said about you werent given a mind to use someone elses!!!!
thanks leah!! i really like what you said too!!
i like what you said bridget this is true
john f in rebori
thanks john!!
kyle, i like what you said but honestly i dont think that some people can just ignore things that people say to them that are mean.. thats just me cause when people say something mean to me to try to put me down, i cant forget about it and move on, it bothers me and i can never get it out of my head. the only way that i can get that thought out of my head is if they apologize to me and actually mean it.. i can forgive, but i cant forget.
I also like what Leah and John said!! Great Job guys!!
Leah O.
I remember always telling myself as I got older that I shouldn't care what people think, and I was lying for myself for so long. I found myself changing do to people's criticism but I wasn't aware of it at first. It was mostly in seventh grade, when all my friends turned on me. The things they said were shocking. It got so bad Mr. Carrol had to talk to my mom, and I remember him saying I must of started it because there is no way people would just say things like that if they didn't have a reason. I took the blame for that one so things would get better, and eventually they did. It just took about five months of it, and I was getting tired of putting up with it. After that I didn't let anything they say put me down, and even as my "friends" they still try to, but I try not to think about it. Every once in a while I think of the critical remarks which remain stored in the back of my mind. I learned it better to just think about something else then to convince myself something was really wrong, because if I did that, I'd be a lot different.
kelsey, you should never take the blame for something you didnt do. it might work out the first time but if you do it once, they are just gonna expect you to take the blame for all the fights. if they were real friends, they would take the blame themselves and know that they did something wrong and everyone would get over it and remain friends. and remember, your always welcome to sit with me and my friends at lunch:)
i like what you said kelsey and bridget but kelsey i am sorry for being a a hole to you me and matt had a good talk about im truly sorry. I think matt has this in your head he says hes not friends with me but when hes not around you me and him talk all the time. its when hes around you i dont know whats that about.I know i got off topic a little but that makes me feel lonely sometimes when he does that and especialy in front of you.
John F in rebori
well i dont think yourself is the ONLY person that can make you feel inferior, other people can do that too, but i do agree that sometimes you can really weigh yourself down. if someone puts you down you can choose to ignore it or you can let it get to you. so it is kinda your choose
dan h
oops signed my twice
I really liked what you said!
Great job!:)
Leah D
I really like what kelsey said, because me and her have the same problem. I always tried to change with the way people viewed me, and then i kinda got sick of it when they would call me out on something. Whenever someone makes fun of me i would try to laugh it off, even though i know its dumb. Then I'll try to say something back that hurts them, to try to be superior and urn it aroung to make them inferior and smaller to me. Most of the time it didnt work. But whenever i get made fun at know i try to ignore and think to myself that im better than that and i never gave them the permission to make me feel smaller than what i know i am. But at the end of the day i know I really just wanted to punch them square in the mouth to shut them up. I guess i know im superior to them in some way, but ill never be superior like those boys when it comes to making a person really feel like there nothing, and that they deserve everything I'm handed in life. I guess what i'm trying to say is that in a way you do let them have the permission because your not telling them what your really think about them, and not in I'm gonna curse you off way, but in a real way.
P.S.- KELSEY! i hope to see you sit at another table sooner or later because every time i read the posts, there's another person offering you more than just a seat at lunch!
megan, i really like what you said!! good job!!:)
i figure that people try to make other people inferior so they make fun of other peoples little socail "mistakes" or something they cant control like the way their hair is or the clothes they choose to wear because it makes them feel like whay they have is better then the victoms...even though the effects on the victom could be long term because the person may seem like it doesnt effect them but in ten years they will most likely remember you for it no matter what you are acting like then or what your doing they will still see you for the same bully that you were when you were younger...i agree with the quote and no one is perfect and i dont care who you are you dont have the right to make someone feel down on matter how good you are you still dont and will never have the right to make fun of someone for something small
>John Magyar<
D@n O
john r.
yeah i know hes different around me. all the time i tell him he can go sit with you guys or something but then he thinks im trying to get rid of him. like i feel bad but he acts like he doesnt care.
its not like i dont appreciate the offers to other lunch tables. i just dont want what happened in seventh grade to happen all over. i will eventually i promised myself i would by the end of the year. just seventh grade was really reallly hard. me and you have talked about it before and you saw how hard it was just to talk about it.
i think this quote is very true but i also think that some people want to be stepped on just so they feel like their important but what they don't see is that everyone important one way or another
-Alex Cherry
I know what you went through was, and we had like intense converstaions about it, but i feel like the longer you stay with them, the deeper its gonna leave a scar. Trust me you will feel better about yourself after you make a change like that. And if it starts to happen again, you always know i'll be there for you like i was the last time. You alwasy can count on me when someones calling you out. you know i will defend you everytime, and the class has your back too. Just keep that in the back of your mind the next time you feel down. Whenever your ready, i'll be ready.
There is a hippo at the top.
Zach wood
I think that's a very interesting point Alex!!
Leah O.
It's really great that you're there for Kelsey and I think you're a true friend.
:))Leah O.
kelsey, everyone will be there for you. we wont let anything bad happen to you. everyone will stick up for you if they start being mean to you. you just have to trust us:)
Kelsey is probably in a really tough spot. She doesn't know what will happen if she moves so it's going to be really hard for her. How would you feel if alot of your friends would turn on you in an instant if you left there group.Kelsey we are all here to support you, and your such a great person!!!!
Leah O.
Leah D I agree with you! You're deffinatly one of my friends that doesn't like to start fights. You should tell the person thats making you feel that way and they should no never to do that to you because its just wrong. People make other people inferior for a reason. Some of our friends give me insults all the time, and im just like is there a compliment in there? Them saying insult after insult i guess just makes them feel like they have control and can just overpower me.
~HaLeY :]
Who wrote.this is stupid, no one answers me.?
Apparently i was helping out MAtt. to be honest i had no idea like wht i was doing.It wasnt like i was sayin to myslef im gonna help matt. He just imediatly struck me as a real cool kid. And i admire him cause of that. And i dont admire mayny people.I didnt know it was changing Matty. Goes to show you that no matter how small, any action can really help someone out. Even just by letting him/her sit with you at lunch. You a great kid Matt. Glad i could help you.
to me this is very true. i have been in some situations where i have let my friends be superior to me leaving me the lonely one with no say in what the group does. but recently ive stood up to my friends and i finally feel like i belong.
~Veronica Lee Browne~
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