Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just a Kid

Compare the thoughts and feelings of Peter with the lyrics from the song,

“I’m Just a Kid by Simple Plan”.


Anonymous said...

its pretty much saying that he spends everyday by himself. and peter does just that. The song also says that he thinks he has friends but he doesnt hear from them. And i really dont even think peter feels he has any friends at all. The song also so that it feels like he is in a nightmare. And in a way peter is just in one big nightmare.
~~michaela howell #1

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, I LOVE Simple Plan, David Desrosiers, and this song.
Second, I think that this song is true for all teenagers, but I think that Peter is a servere case. People classified Peter as a nerd or just an outcast and never got to know him as a person. But I've felt like this song and I'm sure that most people do. But adults need to realize that "I'm just a kid", and cut us some slack once and while.
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

i think that this song really explains peter and what he is feeling. it's saying that he is alone in the world which is exactly how peter is feeling. peter had no one to go to, and even his mom doesnt even know who he his. And then after that terrible day of having no friends to talk to of no one at all to talk to for that matter, peter has to just crawl into bed and try his hardest to think about the last time that he actually had fun, which for him was probably back in kindergarden with josie. Peter thinks that something is wrong with him however it's really something wrong with the people that are around him. So yes i think that this song is a great song to represent peter and what he goes through everyday.

d@n 0

Anonymous said...

i think this song refers to a normal kids thoughts and life. But peters thoughts and life is no way near normal. Peter doesn't have any friends, only tons of enemies. Hes been put down so many times that he began to believe them. He thought the only way out was death, but he decided he would take all the other kids down with him. I believe this song does not describe peters life at all.

Dan Hoffing

Anonymous said...

I think that this song definatly explains peter. he feels alone, like no one cares, and the way people treat him is a living nightmare that you cant wake up from. Peter has so much pain from all these things happening to him and its getting packed inside of him until he cant take it anymore and explodes which caused him to do the things he did. So everyone is "just a kid" and the pain doesnt go away, it just keeps building up, like for peter.


Anonymous said...

these lyrics are really depressing if you relate them to what peter is thinking. its is pretty much saying i have no friends,when i thought i had friends i really didnt,everyone is having fun when i am all alone in my room living a nightmare. these lyrics go with peter perfectly because he is living in a nightmare because no one accepted him..except josie who now doesnt even remember them being friends. peter is going through rough times and im sure that his life is a nightmare

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

I think that the point of the song is near peters life but the songs point is not that people make fun of the kid but he just doesnt have any friends where peters life is constn with the name calling, pushing in the hallways, and stuff like that but where he says that he is alone in the world peter thinks he is alone, but the real truth is that no one is alone, they my be alone in their community but not in the world because there are tons of people like peter exept they only think about killing other people or think about killing themselves or even kill themselves, but there are only a number of kids that will bring guns into a school and kill people, the song is lie peters life in a few ways but many more ways it is different

-Kyle Abrams

Anonymous said...

i think its saying that the song is saying that peter is alone and since hes a kid it's normal for that to happen to him and i agree with the second part of kyle's post

Craig O: <*

Anonymous said...

Wow, I will probably never think of this song the same way again, haha.
But, anyway, It most definitely relates to his life. The lyrics say "living in a nightmare" which is true for him. He feels that no one cares and he is alone in the world. He has to deal with it everyday. His life schedule is probably, Wake up, go to school, get tripped a few times, get a few spit balls thrown at him, go home, go to sleep, then he does that over and over again everyday.
This song is a great example of his life.


Anonymous said...

Peter IS just a kid. This song perfectly defines how he feels almost fully. When it says "Nobody cares and i'm alone in the world" that is exactly how Peter feels. And when it says he thinks he has friends, yet never hears from them. Also it says life is a nightmare, and it's not fair. That is what Peter is going through now since the shooting. Though i think this song says more about a normal-er kid not one that has been picked on to the extent that Peter has.
-jessica s- :)

Anonymous said...

I believe this song relates perfectly to Peter. It talks about being alone in the world, which pretty much describes Peter's life. I agreee with Hayley, i will never think of this song the same again!! I also jut noticed that it is saying I'm JUST a kid, and life is a nightmare. Peter was introduced to his life being a nightmare on the first day of kindergarten! He was a kid when his nightmare started, and as i see it, it is not very close to ending.


Anonymous said...

woahh that song is deffinatly Peter's life. He's been alone in the world since kindergarten untill now at age 17. I agree with everyone how Peter was way beyond what they were talking about in the song. I remember listening to this song awhile ago and i didn't listen to the lyrics. It's soooooo coool how it relates so perfectly to the book.

~HaLeY :]

Anonymous said...

I knew about this song for ages. For many years I have though of that song, and I never though that I would be able to relate that to something a learned or have experience! Well now I can remember presenting this song to Mr.G and he said that we will use this some time during the year.(of course he already knew about it.) Now It makes perfect sense. Actually I was a bit shocked about how much this has related to 19 minutes.

Michael Knox

Anonymous said...

To start off, Peter always felt alone just as it says in the lyrics. He felt like his mom was never there to understand him. He kinda feels that his life is an ongoing nightmare, with not being able to fit in at school. He feels like no one cares because no one understands; they don't take the time to. He would like to have a good time like he used to. Peter is just a kid. These all relate to the lyrics and how Peter feels each and everyday.


Anonymous said...

I think this song does have to do with Peters life alot.He feels like his life is a nightmare and the only way to escape it or change it is kill the bullies or himself.Peter is just a kid but I don't think it is fair to use that as an escuse.I think there were alot of other ways to get agression out instead of taking it to the point of endangering someone elses life or his.

Leah O.

Anonymous said...

I also think when it says I'm all alone and nobody cares it relates to Peter because he feels no one will listen and no one is making an effort to make him feel accepted and comfortable.

LeAh O. :)

Anonymous said...

The one thing that stands out in that song was loneliness. Peter had Josie as a friend until the gun incident. So before the shooting he had no friends to go to when he was going through tough times. That song was a good explanation of peter's life except for the good things that happened and the happy ending. Peter's life was going all down hill and finally hit rock bottom and started having thoughts about killing people due to what he saw on the computer screen and eventually pursuing it. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

I think that this video is perfect. We all are just kids.We just are who we are. Were still young so we can make big mistakes. Even adults make mistakes. I think that this fits peters life pretty good. The kids that were bullying him are just kids. Their just following what others do or what adults sometimes do because their still young. Some cant decide what to do them selves so they just fallow what others are doing. This doesnt mean that i would totally forgive peter for shooting his class mates, but give him some respect. Hes just a kid he probably never realize what he had done till he was caught. He made a very bad mistake. It also was part of his mothers fault. As i said hes just a kid so he just followed his mom. He never acted when he got his lunch box stolen because his mom didnt either. She just kept getting him a new one.


Anonymous said...

this song i believe relates to peter very well. he feels all alone in this world and this song talks about being alone. but peters thought are out of this world and i belive he should have gotten some major help before he had taken it to this level.


Anonymous said...

This song is a perfect example for Peter, he's alone in a crowded room. Everyday is a nightmare for him, but it's not like his mom can wake him up from it. He's "alone in the world" and the only time he can feel comfortable is in his room... but he can't escape from the things people say. Peter doesn't know "whats wrong with him", because NOTHING is besides the fact he's so alone and weak to the point he went and shot kids at the Sterling High. Peter is just a kid and he has nobody to help him "survive" his life... his mom doesn't even understand. Even when she wants to understand, it's been to long.


Anonymous said...

i think this relates to peter alot. Like nobody cares about him. He doesnt fit in with anbody. The loneliness he felt when he couldnt talk to anyone. His parents dont even bother to find out whats going on in his life. But he really is just a kid. But his inocents was stolen from him 12 years ago.

-Ryan m.-

Anonymous said...

i think in the song he is saying he is a loser and no one seems to care...i think this is how peter might feel about this..because he said repeatedly in the novel... that his only friend was josie and after he lost her outta school he lost everything because also he was expected to be like his brother even though he was just trying to be himself but his brother also didnt help by not protecting him at all..but this song states normal teenage atitude at some point or another.. but he also feels like he is alone twenty-four-seven alone with no one