Saturday, March 13, 2010


Think about the reaction of Peter's crime by the town of Sterling and consider this quote by Jodi Picoult.

"They ask, how could this happen here? Well. How could it not happen here?"

What does this quote mean in relation to the story? Could something of this nature ever happen in our town or school?


Anonymous said...

What I think is that this could happen anywhere. If someone is tortured relentlessly they might come to the point of I want to kill myself and why not take the people who are making fun of me down with me. So then the kid has enough and wants to take out everyone who ever made fun of him. The first sentence of the quote "They ask, how could this happen here?". The truth is it can happen anywhere. All it takes is someone getting made fun of to no extent. The second sentence of is really true. Its a high school just like any high schools with the social classes, high and low, which in the end makes someone feel that not living at all would be better than what they are going through. :)MATT(: 1ST TWO DAYS IN A ROW

Anonymous said...

what peter means is that in sterling there is a huge hiarchie. and what the parents dont see is what goes on in school that kills kids like peter inside. this quote is sooo true but parents wont get it because they dont see what happens "in" sterling.

Anonymous said...

Wow no one commented on this post. This is a little disappointing. I was bored and I though about this blog and I was looking forward to some good responses, but there was only nick. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't respond earlier! My power was out on Sat. and I wasn't home on Sun.
I think that something like this could definetly happen in Seneca, maybe not our school, and I hope it wouldn't happen in the little school. It could happen anywhere, and that's kind of scary.
This kind of stuff could happen because, like what Nick said, kids were doing things that were killing Peter inside. His parents didn't do anything because they didn't go to school with Peterand see what kids were doing to him. And why? What did Peter ever do to them? His parents just thought he was going through normal teen stuff, but really Peter just needed a friend, or someone to intervine.
~Jules :)
P.S. I like what Nick and Matt said, and Matt's right it is a little disappointing to see only three comments on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I really like what matt and nick said. i think that it could happen anywhere. I think that peter thought, well ive been picked on and i wanna kill myself, so why not kill all of the people who have picked on me so they can see how it feels. I honestly think that that is pretty darn scary. one day, out of nowhere someone could just come in with a gun and start pointing it. (well it might be more complicated then that but you get the point)
I certainly hope this would not happen in our town, but you just never knnow.
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

and it scares me the most that you just dont know (i forgot to put that in there)
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

Matt, i also think that this could happen anywhere. Although, i think its more likely to happen in small towns or schools. although, when theres a small town, everybody knows everybody. So when theres one kid getting picked on, its likely that he or she will be the school target. And in large schools, there would be multiple high archeys and multiple targets so there wouldnt be one consistant person thats being attacked and having to have such hatred, that you would want to kill. Also, i dont know if this could happen in our school. I mean, i dont think that people in our school are that depressed or anything and are getting bullied by anyone, but who knows. everyone looks that way. like peter. who would of thought that a kid like peter would end up doing something so harsh? there could be someone like peter in our school but no one knows because theres a mask covering all that anger, until that person cant take it anymore, and ends up in peters situation.


Anonymous said...

i agree completely..he must feel like..why kill myself and make myself suffer when i could just take out all the people who have wronged me...and they say how did it happen here...i agree how could it not happen here..anyone and everyone has their breaking point where they are just going to crack and explode on everyone..i myself have always tried to remove myself from a sitition where i was ready to blow up on people...but it can happen anywhere...i have felt before like i think he no one one is there for you...completely alone...but it goes away...and i feel like all those kids he killed..probaly would have worked for him some day..but it was still wrong and his parents should have picked up on what he was going through daily..the worst part is...parents just dont pick up on that unless you straight up say what is going on....

Most of the time they use the cliches anyway like....ignore it and they will give up..they are just insecure about themselfs..or anything else parents come up with but the truth is..bullies dont care they will rip you down and give you crap until you say something and then give you more crap for saying something...they only time they will give up is when you are bigger then them...

i was made fun of unmericfully for around three years and it finally stopped when i got bigger after moving away for a little while..but i was picked on because of my last name...the way i look at it is "hey if thats all you can make fun of me for..then i must be doin pretty well for myself" and thats what got my through everything they put me through and my question is to them is why..what makes you have the right to tear someones soul down and apart until the feel as in no one cares about them..they have no safe place to go...i feel like they should get in trouble instead of the victim that was teared down...

>John Magyar<

(p.s. even if im not friends with you..or you dont really know a good listener for anyone that ever feels alone and wants to talk to someone)

Anonymous said...

wow autumn i really like what you said. that peter feels that well ive been picked on and i wanna kill myself, so i should just kill everyone who has picked on me. yeahh thats defintely scary. a person shouldn't kill anyone b/c they hate them? thats totally wrong. theirs gonna be things in life where u'll run into people that are cruel and mean. thats just the way of life and peter should just face it next time.

Anonymous said...

I don't really think life is the one thats not fair it's more people.


Anonymous said...

"They ask, how could this happen here? Well. How could it not happen here?"
A school could be percieved as perfect. Nothing baD ever happens there, and the school has "good kids". I think that would make the bullying rate even higher. The kids are under more pressure to be perfect, get good grades, and on top of that there is always a clique problem. To be honest, i think this type of thing could happen anywhere. I mean Sterling High and even Columbine are just ordinary high schools. Not to scare anyone, but i think this cou;d happen in our school. There's no reason as to why something like that couldn't happen.


Anonymous said...

thanks for all the feedback guys :)
~Autumn <333

Anonymous said...

I think this type of thing could happen anywhere.Nobody really thinks until after somthing happens.Nobody really thinks of the odds that often.It would be very trajic if something like this happend here. I think it's a matter of a kid getting pushed to far and not being able to control there anger.

Leah O.

Anonymous said...

this quote can relate to the story because they are practically living in a highschool just like everyone elses. they have their ring leaders who tell everyone ehat to do when to do it how to do it and tear every person lower then them dwn more and more until there is nothing left. then there are the neutrals who are friendly with the ring leaders but don't really like them just trying to keep a good enough relationship to feel safe enough that they won't get torn down by them.but the neutrals are also friendly with the ones on the bottom of this highschool food chain.lastly there are the ugly ducklings. i call them this because they might not look the best because they don't care about what everyone thinks and might not seem like much but eventually they all most likely will grow up to be bigger and more successful then the rest of us. now theses guys i really feel for because they are the ones constintly taking the fierce fire from the ring leaders. but what i wanna know is why doesnt anyone have the guts to step in and just say stop?
yes i do think this could happen in our school. i dnt think it will but it is deffinately a possibilty. if you just tourture someone soooo much and take someones soul away from them that person is just like a ticking bomb waiting for the right time to explode when sometimes they don't even know when it will happen.

~Veronica Lee Browne~

Anonymous said...

I love what Emilee said and it's sooo true I think that if there is a small school than it's just as likely to happen to a big school with bad kids. Wasn't shaming rated like number 9 on some "good school" list 1 year ago.well I can tell you we aren't perfect because there is plenty of bullying going on in our school right now and j don't think anyone realizes that because they only look at grades for what a good school would be considered.

~jessica packard~