Monday, March 22, 2010

Violence in the Media

The town of Sterling is looking for answers. The media wants to blame T.V. and music...

Many people think there is too much violence on television. They say it makes us less sensitive to real violence in our homes and communities and more tolerant of it. And they say it sometimes even encourages some people to do violent things. What do you think about all this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Anonymous said...

I think the violence on tv MAY make us less sensitive to real violence but if it was real and dealing with ur family memembers u would be more scared then if it were a stranger.I disagree with this because i think it make u more awhere wht real violence my be like.
Leah D.

Anonymous said...

I highly disagree that violence on tv encourages people to do violent things. Most of the violence on tv is usually in a humorous way and yes it may tempt some people out there to do those stupid things people do on tv but luckily kids arent that stupid to do all of those stupid things. Like on the shows jackass and things they show on stuff that stevo did. HOPEFULLY kids arent stupid enough to do that. And for those that makes them less sensitive to violence in there homes i would have one word of advice. You need to really lay of the tv. All those stupid little drama shows (that are very well written i must say) just go way to far with the violence and drama just for the ratings i think and to get people more into it. I know i shouldnt be the one to tell people not to watch tv as much because i have probably memorized over 20 commercials, but i mean whose counting. So all in all i disagree that violence on television encourages people watching these show to go do violence. and that i am telling people to stop watching tv for a little if you are starting to become less sensitive to violence that is happening in reality. Violence is violence, either it is coming from a screen or it's happening right in front of your face. And if it is happening right in front of you i would take some action to it and not just watch like you do while watching television.

d@n 0

Anonymous said...

I agree with dan. I think it could make us feel less sensitive as your watching it at that moment but when and if it really happened im sure you would be flipping out having a cow. i do not think that it encourages kids at all because usually at the end they show how bad the person feels and it makes you realize that you would never do a thing like that unless you were really sick minded. I think that violence on tv actually keeps kids away from doiong violent things. maybe thats the reason the producers have hidden behind the films or maybe they are just making them for the pleasure of getting money who knows.

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

I do not think that violence in the media affects actual violence too much. I think that people about 8 and older know well enough not to actually be violence, but for little kids, the saying "monkey see, monkey do" works perfectly. I agree with both Leah and Dan, it just makes you aware of how horrible violence is.


Anonymous said...

I agree with both Leah and Dan. I think the media violence mostly points out how horrible violence is. I think most people 8 and up know better to not do violent things, but little kids might do what they see. Even if it does encourage violence at all, it only effects a VERY small amount of people.


Anonymous said...

The blog didn't post my post after I refreshed it a few times, so I tried posting it again. That's why there's two.


Anonymous said...

I love violent video games like call of duty and more, and you don't see me or any of my friends killing anyone. I watch violent shows, but I didn't murder anyone. I listen to some music about just about everything and i'm not doing drugs, raping women, and shooting up and muging people. Most of my friends do the same stuff as me and no ones killin anyone. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

I play violent video games, watch violent movies, and listen to music about you don't even want to know (ask dan)and you don't see me killin anyone. thats all I have to say. :)MATT(:

ps. my first blog was longer but it didn't post so I didn't feel like typing it all up again

Anonymous said...

yeah matt hahah i can listen to your ipod with out even putting your headphones in my ears it's sooo loud. but yeah matt i dont recall you ever killing anybody.

d@n 0

Anonymous said...

i disagree with this. today when mr g was talking..i had most of the things on the list.(that they showed in court) and im not going to run into school some day and kill everyone that anoyyed me at some point or another..but i play call of duty, listen to screamo and rap,and thats just what teen guys do most of the time,but you dont see all of us killing people, its like a 1 in 200,000 a kid is acutally thinking about it and a 1 in 200,000,000 that acutally would do it. the thing is, is that media just looks for someone to blame to make the story more"juicy" for the public. because if the public sees shooting they think oh how sad but if they see "shooting,music star to blame for tradigic insident" most people are going to watch the second story or take a second to listen. but i feel like the media is like a shark tank, if you dont get the right story and say it the right way then your news station is going to the bottom


Anonymous said...

I don't think that what we watch on TV or what we listen to for music effects what happens in the world. I don't think that someone would listen to music and then go and kill a bunch of people. I really think that people who do commit this terrible crime think it out before it actually happens, just as Peter does. I think to kill a group of people you have to plan it out first. I mean i've played games that involve shooting people, but you don't see me coming into school just shooting everyone in my way. You either had trouble with people in school or your family if you do this, I think. Also, if you even think about doing something like that, you must be pretty messed up mentally, because many people don't plan to kill others, no matter how bad the situation. It's just not right!


Anonymous said...

i agree with Maggs, most of my friends and I play violent video games or listen to screamo/rap and we don't want to go shoot up a school. one of my favorite bands is screamo but I'm not violent. i think that media puts a twist on things so it seams that the people that wrote a song, or made a video game, or directed a movie/T.V. show made the thing they made to make teens more violent.

Anonymous said...

I disaree with listening to heavy music,playing violent video games, and violent tv will drive someone to the point where they will go to school and shootup their classmates. When something like a shooting happens the media needs to find something so far out of the subject to blame so they can get their viewers to watch for ten more minutes. What does a guy writing a song that may have some heavy topics in it have anything to do with a kid shooting up a school. That guy is probaly trying to get a record deal or make a living off music cause thats what he loves to do.I think I had almost every item on the list that was taken from Peter's room. I listen some punk rock bands,I play call of duty, if seen some violent TV and movies. Does that mean someone who fits that catogory is going to shoot up their classmates? Cause if so you got to be insane or smoking something to think like that. What it really comes down to is that people drive people to the point where they can't see the bueuty in life and they have to kill the kids that pick on them and make them feel like nothing constently.

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

my bad, it should be "I have seen "

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

My bad should be "I have seen "

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

I don't think that there's too much violence on media. I think adults just want something to blame, or something to control in our lives. It's not like we're stupid enough to go copy what we see in Modern Warfare. We know it's just TV or just music or just video games.
~Jules :)

Anonymous said...

i disagree with this. Yea people watch violent things on t.v. and i do to. but you dont see me going into school and shooting everyone in it. In a way i listen to screamo, because my brothers listen to it and i hear the screaming and i think that it is the worst music ever made. The News makes all this violent t.v. shows, video games, and music out to be the source of why some kids decide to one day go to school and shoot kids, and teachers. And the media is wrong. Maybe the kids just have sooooo much rage in them. Maybe when they were younger something happened to them, maybe the were abused. No one knows what really happens in your personal life unless you share that with them. And most of the time not very many people will just come out and be like "hey i was abused when i was younger". WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GOES ON IN ONES PERSONAL LIFE.!!!!! The media likes to make stories out to be MUCH bigger then they really are. And they really could be some of the cause for this violence.
~~michaela howell(: