Are some kids ridiculed at your school? Why? What do they get picked on about (height, weight, appearance, disability, accent, skin color, etc.)? Exactly how are they picked on? How do you think these kids feel about this? How do you feel about it? How does that kind of behavior affect the climate in your school?
I think some kids are ridiculed at our school.Mostly people tease other people because they are acting "different" and not how everyone else wants them to.People get fun of for not caring about the social hiarchy and because they do what they want and wear what they want.Usually kids are picked on eather online or with words in school between classes and at lunch.I think some of the kids say they don't care but how can you not care if people are repetitivly picking on you.I think they must feel like they are being torn down inside.It's sad to think about people in your school feeling so sad and down and not showing it. I think it is really great that we found a hypopotamus because if you do something for the kids that get picked on you feel better because you helped someone and they feel like they have someone there for them.
Leah Oatmeal :)(FIRST COMMENT!!)
I agree with Leah on the part that says they get ridiculed because they act different or say something that is just so random and immature. I feel bad for them and try to make some of the conversations they say a bit less awkward, but they just put themselves in such a bad position. I guess its not their fault which brings me to the next reason, the fact that they haven't matured as much as some of the kids in the grade. The immature and awkward things they say is all they know what to say. Then last reason that I'm gonna state is appearance. I don't know why, but anything that you wear and just the way you look can make you a target. If you have acne you become a target ( I was a target to a few kids due to that), your weight (thats a big one- no pun intended), and pretty much anything that is different from everyone else.:)MATT(:
I do think that kids are ridiculed in school because some people aren't the nicest people in the world at our school and I am not going to sayyyy any names. SOme people may get picked on about like weight, hieght, your glasses, what you wear, like matt said acne(i dont see whats wrong with that everyone getts it once in a while), being different which nothing is wrong with being different it shows that they are a strong person, and soo on. I think theey are picked on like behind their backs and/or in front of their faces, spreading rumors, and stuff. I think they feel like sad and want to change themselves because of it and they feel emmbarresed and yeaaa(its sad just thinking about it). I feel that its unnecessary and disgusting and the people who do it should feel really bad because they could have ruined someones life. And the last question i dont really no how to answer it i guesss i would say it effects everyone and everything and nothing is really done to help stop it.
It is true that people get picked on in our school. Just because of the way they are built, their personality, or the way they are as a person. people usually get their two cents in by spreading rumors or sating things face to face. I think this is so wrong to do because even if the person getting picked on doesn't show any signs of being hurt they relly are because you are pointing out things on them, making them kind of doubt themselves and want to change to fit in. If one person does it to another person and nobody steps in and says stop, others will think its ok to do that to the person because they don't mind it when they really do.
-jessica s :)
I know people get made fun of at our school. Mostly becuase they are different. I hear these peoples names mention at least 10 times a day but not in a good way. The people I know that get riddelculed are the ones that are tall, weak,
strange. And its not right. Most of the people are really nice becuase I take the time to be nice to them and understand them. And believe me they don't like getting picked on. One told me he doesn't understand why he gets picked on. It makes him sad and I am probally his only true friend.
Zach Wood
yes i believe people do get ridiculed in our school, such as brett people make fun of him for being short. he cant do anything about that, its mostly joking to a point and thats were it crosses. wen people keep running there mouth's i step in for him because he wont do it for himself
I know that people get picked on in our school. Its usually not to their face, mostly just in gossip and comments when someone walks by. and if it is in person, its usually said like a joke but its not even funny to me because i know that if they said that to me, i would never in a million years take it as a joke. Its just wrong to do that to someone because your putting an insecurity on them and they never knew they had it until it was pointed out.
lots of people get picked on in our school. sometimes its to there face and sometimes its not. the most frequent is probably thruogh the computer or xbox etc.
forgot to put brett under that
It is definatly true that some kids get picked on in our school. Mostly because they act different and dont always say the right thing. Also kids in our school might get teased for who they hang out with or what they do out of school. Bullying makes me feel terrible inside and hopefully it stops some time in a couple of years or sooner. Everyone out there who feels like there getting put down or left out just do what you like to do. Dont change the way you act just because someone makes fun of you for it.Be proud of what you like to do.
I think most Kids get picked on because there different from everyone else. Thats just not right i think you should be ur self around anyone.Even know its hard for some people(including me).Bullying does make people feel horriable and no one should EVER go through that.
~Leah D.
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