Monday, April 26, 2010

Boys and Girls

Boys: Do you feel like your manhood is on the line every time you're around a girl?

Girls: Do you feel like your womanhood is on the line every time you're around a boy?

Do you act like yourself or some one different around the opposite sex?


Anonymous said...

My change in self depends on who the girl is. If it's someone I don't like, I become this cold, mean person. I shun them and ignore them, while throwing in the occasional insult. If it's someone I like, I might become shy, or I might try to impress them. Normally, if you try to impress a girl, you end up tripping over yourself and make yourself look like a fool. If it's someone I'm afraid of, (although there is no girl in this school that I'm afraid of,) I tend to shrink and become silent. So really, your reaction depends on the girl.

←««Ξ◊∆Dan Fink∆◊Ξ»»→

Anonymous said...

it really depends who the guy is. like if it is one of my friends that i have known for years then i am myself. if it is someone else that i don't really know that well, i sort of don't talk alot, but then it also depends on my if im tired i don't do anything and im quite and if im hyper i will be myself but more outgoing and talkitive.
-jessica s :)

Anonymous said...

No personallly I am my own person I cant not be myself and if I tryed to be someone else it wouldnt work. I woould probably try to impress themm and really just make a fool of myself butttt thats ok its basiclly just me when I do stuff like that hahaha Whats wrong with that???? NOTHING hahah sorry anywayss basiclly i would be myself and if they dont like it then thats fine with me there are more people who will like me for me outt there.
~Theresa ☺

Anonymous said...

im the same way i am around my friends that are girls as i am when im with just guys..the only time i act really different is when im around my girlfriend or a girl i like but other then them my friends are split 50/50 between girls and guys and i try to act the same all the time

john magyar

Anonymous said...

Yes I feel my manhood is on whenever I talk to a girl. I wish I could be normal but then they might think something bad of me. But I realize it's the other way around becuase Im a fake wen I do that. But I'm scared when I talk to some girls. But some other girls I can say whatever and be normal.

Zach Wood

Anonymous said...

i think that it depends on the guy. I am not shy around my "guy friends" if thats what you wanna call them. So if i know the guy and im comfortable around them i can be myslef and not be shy. when i see a guy i like i act... not like myself. i dont really know how i act. i just do. I guess i try to impress the guy i like when i see him. Sometimes i try to talk to him but it doesnt always work. i usually make a fool of myself... but this guy is my friend so sometimes its funny... but sometimes its not. so i never really know but i deffinatly act different when im around the guy i like :)
~Autumn <333

Anonymous said...

I change when im around guys. When im around my friends I can act CRAZY and stupid and I know that they will love me no matter what. When im around guys I change the way I act, I dont wanna say something wrong and then they hold it against me. I dont wanna do something stupid either. I get alot of butterflies when im around the guys i like. When my friends and I are around guys we all back eachother up no matter how stupid we sound!! When I try to impress a guy I end up tripping over myself or stumbling on my words and then I feel stupid.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much all the time i am different around i girl in some ways like in front of a girl i think about what i am going to say before i say it more than i would in front of a guy. Other than that i am a little bit different around some girls like if i dont know them i dont really say a whole lot or if i dislike them. I am pretty much myself around girls that i know. But other than that i am my self.
-Kyle Abrams

Anonymous said...

im not myself around some girls, but with my close friends who are girls im my true self. just like i am at home.certan groups of girls i act like someone else because i try to impress them

Brett B

Anonymous said...

I am like two different people. When I'm with my friends I say stuff and fool around with them in ways I would never do around a babe. When I'm around girls I act totally different. I act allot more mature. When there is a mixed group, like with boys and girls, It all depends. If my friends start acting all immature I might do the same or I might just stay the way I was, unless it was really funny and I had to join in with a comment or two. When i'm around kels though I have to be real good because if I don't she'll beat me.haha :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

I definetly without a doubt think that my manhood is on the line every time I talk to a girl. But only if its a girl that I either like or am friends with. I don't really know why though. And I am very certain that I act like a different person when I'm talking to or hanging out with a girl then with my guy friends.


P.S. Dan I liked your blog and I have seen this cold mean person that you speak of on several occasions. Thankfully that has never happened to me because you are one of my bestest friends.

Anonymous said...

It depends if I like a guy on how I would act.If it were someone who I liked alot I would probably turn red and try to say something funny that would turn out wrong haha.I act more flirty around guys and try to be funny and make conversation.I would be funny to try to impress them.I would laught at there jokes even if there not funny but If its something meen then I rethink why I like that person. I used to act ditzy when I was younger but than thought if guys don't like smart girls than why bother!!:)

Leah O. :)

Leah O. :)

Anonymous said...

when im around my friends that are guys im myself, because they obviously like who i am or they wouldnt be my friends. But It all depends on like who the guy is. I try to be myself all the time. But most of the times i get yelled at for being myself. Becase myself is loud, and friendly. I dont get yelled at for being friendly but for being loud. So it all depends on the guy(s) im around.

~~michaela howell(:

Anonymous said...

Well It all depends for me. I've been around Matt so much I'm always my strange cat self in front of him. Ha he's one of the only people I am myself around. Soemtimes I have moments in school where I am myself but other than that not really. So by me not acting like myself usually It really doesn't make ka difference between a gender, either way I'm just ya know.


Anonymous said...

I agree. If it's like, a guy that I don't like, then I'll like, be myself, but i fI like they guy, I'll try to act more sophisticated and less goofy. Less me, really, because I'm really goofy. And I talk really carefully around guys I like. Because sometimes I'm thinking two things at the same time and trying to talk and I say them both at the same time.

P.S. Leah I really like what you said!

Anonymous said...

It really depends who im around when im with some of my guy friends i can just be myself cause i know they won;t judge me and thry know how crazy i am :P but with guys that i like im a lot more quiet and shy and nervous and its harder to talk to them because im afraid i will say the wrong thing and ruin my chances
~veronica lee browne

Anonymous said...

I do not feel uncomfortable around guys at all,
and I usually act like myself. They either like me or dont. I don't believe in being fake around a guy. I like guys who are mature like my brother's friends who are sophomores in high school and they're great to pal around with.(:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jules I really liked what you said about acting less goofy!! Good Job!!

Leah O. :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to say when im around my guy friends i act myself but i really dont have any guy friends that know the real me. When you first me a guy you use one of your many personalities and when you see them again you keep that same personality. When im around my friends i really dont think i am the real me either unless im around my best friend Jordan because we have been friends since 1st grade and in first grade your innocent and you are only the real you. But when im around boys i am either really outgoing and "tough" and kinda bossy when they start being rude and immature or really shy and quiet.

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

When I am around girls it is like I can not talk. Even When I am talking to someone that i don't really talk to i am afraid of what they might say or say to there friends.It feels like weird i just don't know how to put it in words. In general I do act alot different around girls. It is a impression game. Most likely ever guy in the world wants to make sure that they don't act to foolish around any girl, just to make sure that another girl might tell who you like and if you try to ask them out it might not turn out so good.

Michael Knox

Anonymous said...

oh Mr.g i really like the thought of the day
i always look at them. this one is gettin me thinking and it defiantly ties in with being yourself and putting on a mask type thing.

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

i think i only act around some girls, like theres some girls that i can just be myself around because i kow they will accept me for who i am. and the thought of your man hood being put on the line is just not cool, so thats why i step outside of myself and act different.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When im around guys, i think i do act different than when im with my friends. Like when im with my friends im like this crazy outgoing girl but then when im around a guy i like or whatever i think too much on what im going to say so i barely say anything. But i have to say that when guys arent around theyre friends they are alot different and i think that when guys are by themselves, they are alot easier to talk to.


Anonymous said...

I think it depends on who the guy is wether or not i'll be myself. I am only myself around guys that I can TRUST because there are soooo many guys in our grade who will tell the world if you do something or say something that they don't agree with. I will honestly say, there are very few guys in our grade that I can be myself around because i have been through so many experiences where guys tell other ppl what girls say that they don't agree with or "approve of". I think that guys just talk about everything so it's hard to be yourself around them because you may say the wrong thing :(

~Jackie =)

Anonymous said...

When i'm around boys i don't always act myself. If it's a boy i like its soo hard to talk to them, but if its a boy thats just a friend they're easier to talk to. Whenever you talk to a boy it feels like they're judging you when you talk to your friends you know they're not. I agree with what Bridget said about how when the boy isn't with his friends its easier to talk to him.

~ HaLeY :]

Anonymous said...

im absolutely 100% not the same person when im with the lady folk. when im around my guy friends we basically talk about anything. i mean anything. and if i were to bring something from my conversation with them to the ladies, id get smacked so hard it wouldnt even be funny. and when im with my neighbors, whom some are females, we are just totally ourselves and we are obnoxious and we make weird noises and it's just outa control. but with the lady folk(especially with the ones i like) i just gotta keep it g rated and not say anything to offend them. so i guess i would think that my "man hood" is on the line when im with a female that i like.


Anonymous said...

I know I change when I talk to most girls, but not so dramatically. I usually become hyper or shy (mostly shy). I agree with what Dan Fink said, if you like the girl, subconsciously, you try to show off. It completely depends on the girl. I guess I try to keep my "manhood" on the line without even thinking about it, I just do it subconsciously.


Anonymous said...

I think that I try to act like the better version of myself. In a way, everyone does. When I'm around a guy, I will try harder to look good or confident. You can say looks don't matter all you want, but in the back of your mind they really do... all the time. Even if I'm just talking to any guy I will stand up straiter and try to be more poised without over doing it. Alot of thought goes into everything I do, even the little stuff like the expression on my face or the way that I stand. I want to come off as someone who is comfortable in her own skin and with who I am. Over all, I think that when I talk to a guy (especially for the first time) I want to be cute but still me. What will being someone else do for me in the long run? Zilch :)

Anonymous said...

I know i definatly act different around some girls. There are girls that are my friends that im myself around but if its a girl i think is pretty or I like them i get very very nervous and shy. I have to admit i actually get a little scared when im around girls sometimes because I dont wanna look stupid. I dont really try to impress girls because im just very nervous and sometimes it feels like im frozen and cant move.

Luke Gilbert

Anonymous said...

I quite as it is but all only around some people I'm not comfortable talking to. When i around my friends I'm a different person.If I'm talking to a guy I'm quite and i don't make eye contact and my face turns red.ha I really wish i could talk to some of them.
Leah D.

Anonymous said...

For me i act normal around girls i know but when im around girls i dont know youll see me look up/down and ill never speak.

Anonymous said...

Every girl acts different around guys, it's not like you try to. It bothers me when my friends act different, but then I go and put on a mask and do the exact same thing. I realize after my friend tells me though. However, it's not around all guys. I have friends that are really close to me that are guys and I don't change one bit around them. You don't feel like you gotta impress in front of them, like I actually eat my french fries in front of them haha.


Anonymous said...

I have seen matt do what he said in his comment, and it annoys me all the time in music class, whenever there will be a a mix group os girls and boys a boy will act totally different to impress his friend. But watcha gonna do... I do kinda feel my womanhood ( thast sounds so wrong)change when a guy walks into the room or into the conversation. I will still crack some killer jokes but when there is someone of the opposite sex ( haha i said sex on an educatioanl website) ill say different killer jokes or laugh at things i dont usually laugh at. I see it happen all the time aand we are all kinda the same that way.


(megan basenfelder)

Anonymous said...

i thin it depends on the girl that im talking to ofr example if im with my sister i say the weirdest stuff that if its another person they would think im phyco... but if im with my friends that are guys and not girls and say the "stuff" that i say to my friends to girls id probly get smacked silly. if its a girl that i like i get shy or try to join in a conversation that the girl is having or notice somthing that they like or dislike to impress them because if i's try to show offfffd id look stubidd. and i also try to watch wat i say to a girl i like.

Craig O 日本の岩!

Anonymous said...

I love your post... your right womanhood does sound pretty wrong haha, but not as bad as at the lax tournament haha (Ellie's nuts)

~Jackie =)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH megan you said sex!


Anonymous said...

i think it depends on what guy it is. some of my best friends are guys and for the most part i think i'm myself around them. If im around a guy that i'm not that close with than yea im not as loud and crazy because i dont know them that well and i dont wanna do anything stupid. I'm pretty sure most teenagers are like that though because it takes a long time to get comfortable around someone.


Anonymous said...

I think that almost all guys act diffrent when their around girls. Its not like guys try to act diffrent when their around girls we just do. I know when i'am around girls i'm not completely the same person I'am compared to when I'm hanging with my freinds. But I try to be myself when I'am with girls. I think girls like guys who are their selfs and not someone else. When Im with girls Iam not nervous or any thing , cause a try to be who Iam. I find it kind of weird when one of my freinds is with or talking to a girl and they are not them selfs, cause i know who that real person is, and I know if they are themselfs the girl will dig them even more.

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

I agree with "Dano" when he said he whould get smacked across the face if he said anything that he talked about to his guy friends to a girl. And the way you talk to your friends is part of being yourself and thats something im not when i talk to girls. do i feel like my manhood's on the line when i talk to girls? No... But i do feel nervous if there girls i like that im talking to.


Anonymous said...

When im around most girls i act totally different. Most of the time i just act really queit because i think iget nervous sometimes. With girls that ive known for a while i act more like my self but im still hiding a little bit of my self. When i first meat a girl i dont really talk to them much but after a while i get more talkative with them.


Anonymous said...

I think I act myself around the guys that I'm closer with. Around Austin, I am completely myself because i know he just likes me for me. When I'm around guys that im not as close with, i act kinda shy and don't let Emilee shine through. I feel like if i say something stupid, which happens with me a lot, then they will have a bad impression of me and think im some wierdo. But most of the time i think im pretty much the same(:

emilee!! (:

Anonymous said...

And mr. g i really like the thought of the day also. It got me thinkin.

emilee!! (:

Anonymous said...

I think I act myself as I would around any other person(excluding the people that know me well). If I was anything...maybe shyer? But, I can sometimes come off as shy to a lot of people. I don't crack as any jokes because if you knew me well, my humor tends to be really stupid. I'm not really sure, It's not something I've ever really thought about while I was talking to a guy.


Anonymous said...

I don't think I change much when I'm around the ladies. I don't talk as usual except maybe a bit less. Also I might act more like a genlement. That's all.

Dan hoffing

Anonymous said...

When im around a girl i try to clean up my language and try not to look or act like a fool. But usually i act the same, cause i dont talk all that much. uhmm thats pretty much it.

Anonymous said...

When im around girls i act a little different.I dont curse as much.For the most part im the same , but thats only the things i realize.

Anonymous said...

If that's Tyler Drum who posted the last comment... I have to disagree. You my friend don't act different what so ever. In my opinion, you need a lesson on "how to woooooo a younng lasss" ty ty haha.
