Thursday, April 1, 2010

Super Day!

Superhero day was a reminder of "what it was to be a kid." What sort of adventures did you use to take when you were younger? Do you ever wish you were a kid again? Why?


Anonymous said...

I used to pretend that I was Raven from the Teen Titans. (I still do sometimes!) She's so cool!
Picture of Raven:

She has the ability to like float, and she makes these black, like shadow-y globs with her mind. She meditates and she, floats when she does! I used to preted I could float. I would be in Gymnastics and I would sit on the six foot high beams and act like I was meditating like Raven. I would also get Ryan to act like Robin and we would pretend that we were the Teen Titans on a mission.
Or I would be Yumi from Code Lyoko.

One time Ryan was acting like Jeremy from Code Lyoko and I was Yumi and we were making up an adventure where Jeremy went into Lyoko (he NEVER does that) and in the episode that was on that night, Jeremy had an evil twin made by Xana (the bad guy) and he went into Lyoko. It was so cool to see what we'd made up on the show. And we didn't tell anyonen about it, it just happened. It was so cool!
And everytime I would watch the Little Mermaid (I or II), I would put on my costume and red wig. Even when it was so small I was bulging out of it, I still squeezed myself into it :D. I LOVE the Little Mermaid. (and still have my costume)
Being a kid is fun! I kind of wish that I was a kid again. I want to be that innocent again, that free to just imagine and play. But, on the other hand, I had a pretty scarring childhood and don't want to re-live it. Aside from that, I would give anything to be a kid again.
P.S. Thanks for the picture!

Anonymous said...

hahah are you kidding meof course i still want to be a kid!!! i still am a kid! when i was little i used to dress up like the power rangers every day! at preschool we used the be power rangers on the playground. and i can just picture right now me screaming at a kid cause i wanted to be the red one, and so did he. we would just run around the playground fighting crime. I love acting like a child cause it's what i am. im not ready to be old yet. i still have a lot of kid left in me. i know i have to mature and everything but deep inside i really just want to go out onto the playground and maybe play a little power rangers.

dan o

ps if anybody wants to play i call the red one!

Anonymous said...

i love being a kid. just flat out it was always the best i still act like a kid at some points but being a kid was all about not having to worry, not having to worry about wat you wear, or wen you went to bed with your school with bed head. being a kid is great and i want to grow up in a sense but i want to stay a kid for life in a sense.


Anonymous said...

of course i still wanna be a kid. i hate growing up. its one of my fears, but i learn to deal with it odviously because there is no way to stop growing up on the outside. On the inside though, i still act like im 5. The joy of being a kid is that you dont have to worry about anything. You didnt have to worry about your hair, your clothes, and especially the people around you. All you had to worry about was which little boy had the most "cooties" (if thats how you spell it). Thats what i miss most about being a kid. I miss the pleasure.
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

I remeber being a kid. I always thought I was a teenage muntant ninja turtle. It was the best. And when I got into star wars I thought that I might have been a Jedi. I would always concentrate on an object and try to make it float using te force. Haha. I miss the innocence and the feeling of it all. If I tryed to do that now people would make fun of me.

Zach Wood

Anonymous said...

of course i still wanna be a kid. growing up stinks sometimes,and everyone fears it at one point in there life. theres no way to stop it, maybe you still act like a kid on the inside but not on the outside. i still act like a kida ll the time, for those of you who know me youd agree. the joy and fun of being a kid was you didnt have to worry about your hair wnad how it was gonna look, or what you wore to school the next day, how you acted, or the pleasure of pleasing people around you because the people around you were kids and they didnt care they just wanted someone to play with. Like Autumn said all you had to worry about aboutboys were cooties you didnt have to worry about getting your heart broken or anything else. i guess thats what i miss most about being a kid.

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse i'd love to be a kid again. Being a kid is so much more fun because you can just fool around all day and really just be yourself. Being a kid is really something that makes your life enjoyable... you always have to stay a kid even when you get older!
Like when i was yonger i always dreamed of being superman. Yes i'm a girl and superman is a guy, but i really wanted to fly and have the awesome cape that super man had. I also really liked his symbol.. i thought it was intense haha. Sometimes today i still would love to be like superman.
When i was younger my cousin was superman for halloween one year and i got so jealous because my uncle would always pick him up and make him feel like he was flying. Actually, that was the day i decided that i wanted to be like superman :D

Anonymous said...

srry forgot to put my name :)

The one about superman is jackie's