Monday, May 10, 2010

Abusive Control

What are some ways you’ve seen people try to gain control over other people?

Is emotional abuse just as damaging as physical abuse? Can it be worse?


Anonymous said...

I havent seen anyone try to gain control but I hear stuff. Like how ceaser tryed to stay the king and everything in greek times. These days I dont think I know a way maybe like trying to be at the top and stay there so you would put people down. You may bully people and so on. Yes emotional abuse is just as bad, maybe not as bad as physical but close up there. The worse possiblle abouse is getting so beat up that you cant move and/or loosing so much blood you end up in the hospital and maybe even dieing. I also think that rape is a horrible way to be abusesed. Like who would want to do that. Anyways those are some of my thoughts about abuse!!!! ITS DISGUSTING!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have never first hand witnessed anyone try to gain control over someone else, well not in a relationship at least. like you know how if a mom is mad at their child the mom will squeeze your arm or cheek. that is the only first hand experience from someone trying to get control over someone else.
yes emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse if not worse. physical abuse leaves bruises on the outside that people can see. and other people my ask the person with the bruises what happened, and they will tell them something stupid like the fell down the stairs. but emotional abuse bruises on the inside and gets in your head. people being emotional abused may think that it's better because other people cant tell, but is that a good thing? if you are hurting on the inside then nobody can tell that you're hurting unless you tell them. so if you choose not to tell anybody, you arent asking for help, which means you wont get any. this fact can make emotional abuse worse than physical. Either way if you are in an abusive relationship you shouldnt hide it, and you should tell somebody or ask for help. because you never know how bad it's gonna get.

dan o

Anonymous said...

i haven't seen any other way of someone trying to control another besides bullying, but in some movies, there are relationships that have one trying to gain control over the other. I think emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse is. It's true that physical abuse shows everybody else that something wrong happened to you, which that makes you feel awkward and shameful about phsical abuse sort of leads to emotional abuse because it hurts both inside and out.
-jessica s :)

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any one try to gain control over another in a relationship, but with bullying I have witnessed it. The bullys tear down the vitims souls inside because it makes them feel good. The soul slowly dies everytime this happens.The bully knows he or she has control over the vitim by scaring him or her into doing things they don't want to and making there life hell.It's really hard to stand up for what you believe in but it's very worth it, you are scared of what others will whisper and the names they will call you.
I do think emotional abuse is just or even more harmful than physical abuse.If you have been called something over and over your going to start to believe it. It would tear you down. I think this relates the the book because when Matt attacks Peter it's not only the physical pain that makes Peter cry , it's the words homo and fag that can make you burst out crying if your called that everyday.

Leah Oattes

Anonymous said...

I've never seen someone try to gain control over other people. Actually, I don't think that's true. I have seen people try to gain control of other people.My uncle's ex-wife is abusive. My uncle divorced her and she still lives there and she tries to control everything; like she yells at him all the time about how there's never any meat in the house and my uncle's a vegan.
Emotional abuse is definetley worse than physical abuse. Sure, if someone hits you it'll hurt, but physical pain fades. Emotional pain doesn't.

Anonymous said...

i have not seen any body take control of anyone yet. but i think that emotional abuse is worse that phyisical because you seen people get kicked where it hurts and they joke about it the next day and alls ok i guess. but when you call someone somthing as simple as gay or freak they try to kill themselvs. so what im saying is a cut last for a week emotional abuse is so severe thet it could last for years or even a lifetime.

Craig O.

Anonymous said...

i havent seen any abuse happen in person... but i hear stuff. i also see things on t.v. and in movies. i havent experiencced any though.
i do think that emotional abuse can be as bad as/worse than physical abuse. sure, physical abuse is bad; it leaves a bunch of marks and bruises on the outside, but emotional abuse can be just as bad, because its like beating you up on the inside.
The one abuse that i am personally afraid of is rape, because it just seems disgusting. like who would make a goal or plan to do that to someone; take their innocents. i was really freaked out for a while once i figured out what it was. im a little better now, but its still a sick thing to do.
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anyone get controlled over. But I believe that emotional abuse is worse than physical. Physical wounds can heal but some emotional ones can't. Lately a person in our school...... Thinks it's fun to call me gay, faggot and other names. He says it randomly and I'm not gay so I don't know why he says it. And it really hurts. Personally I'd rather be punched by him than the words he says

Zach Wood

Anonymous said...

I've seen people try to gain control of other people by telling them "they would be nothing without them", or that "they needed them or no one would be like them". They tear you down bit by bit and piece by piece until your down to your core, and then they can take whats left of the real you while you're at your weakest. It was all emotional damage, and sometimes that can be worse than physical. The bruises make marks, but the emotional damage leaves scars in your heart and mind. Those don't go away, but the bruises eventually will.
This is a really good one to blog about, I'm suprised theres such few comments.


Anonymous said...

i agree with alexis in how that tears you down piece by piece and i have seen it. i think unless they are going to kill you or suverly hurt you that emotional abuse can actually be worse because those scars dont go away bruises take time but they heal those things that some one may say to you may never go away. ever.


Anonymous said...

being physically abused can be exausting and you always have the feeling that you can never win with yourself and with the person abusing you. You feel that its all your fault that your letting people do this to you and you have no way of fighting back. Its the same kinda of feeling as being verbally abused but you try to fight back and you might win but you still know that that person was going to say and you still feel the cut that they would have left even if you just stood there and took it as it was coming to you. I always see people trying to gain power by pushing people down and make them feel embarrased and humiliated so then you have the feeling of doination over someone who cant really defend themselves. I see it all the time and have usually been the recipient and it makes you feel like a fish out of water, luike why is this happeing to me and before you know it you cant catch you breathe.


Anonymous said...

well when you get physically abused you get a cut or something and its gone..when you get verbally abused it screws your head up and messes you up for life because you will thing about it for a really long time because someone called you a fag or a homo for some quick cheap laughs and someone else's expense


Anonymous said...

i really havent seen anyone trying to take controll over someone else. but i think niether phyisical nor emotional abuse are any different because its still tearing that person inside and out little by little until they are nothing at all.

BiRd MaN

Anonymous said...

some ways ive seen people over power someone is people saying if you didnt have me you'd be nothing or acting like if a person didnt act like you or walk like you or something you'll just toss them away since they werent like them and this has happened to me and other people i know and its sickening that someone would treat another person that poorly. those kinds of people are just awful....

Sean Maloney

Anonymous said...

ive seen people on tv try to drug women. guys also threat women and tell them if they leave them they will hurt them in someway. Sometimes emotional abuse can be just as worse as physicall. if you hit someone the wounds can heal. But if u mentaly abuse the person they could be mentally scared for life. Just words could drive someone to kill themself or others. But whether its emotional or phsical its just plain WRONG!

-Dan Hoffing