Saturday, May 22, 2010


It seems like when you are a kid growing up you can't wait to get to be a grown up and when you are a grown up you wish you could be back. Imagine one day in which you are granted adulthood for 24 hours. How do you utilize this 24 hour period? What sort of things would you do with your new adult status?


Anonymous said...

If I were an adult for a day I would drive around and shop with a credit card and buy a bunch of gifts for my friends and family. I would also try to use my power for good and do random acts of kindness. Oh yeah and I would also call those infomercials that say "You must be 18 or older to call" because I would be old enough!! Yay!!

Leah O.:):)

Anonymous said...

If I were given the chance to be an adult for 24 hours there would be allot of things that I would do. first thing I would do is probably drive as far as I could in a tractor trailor because I love shifting gears or I would even take a stick shift ford pick up, but if I were to do this I wouldnt be able to do ant thing else because I would just drive, if I didnt do that I would most likely build a cycle track some where and ride all day long there are probably a million other things I would do to but I just havent thought of them Iet.
-Kyle Abrams

Anonymous said...

all depends how old beacuse if I was 21 I would probably want to spend all day with my brohas and party all night long. I can't wait to get a car and go where ever I want. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

If I could be an adult for 24 hours I would drive around and do whatever I want. Thats it.
tony montana

Anonymous said...

if i were to be an adult for 24 hours, first things first i would drive to cold stone and pick up some ice cream. then i would would want to drive to my grandma's because i really dont see her often, and she always has some good cookies. but the cookies arent the point, i would just want to sit down with her and talk. cause time isnt really on her side anymor. after that i would drive up to hoboken and go to carlo's bakery (cake boss if youve ever seen the show) i would get the bigggest and most awesome cake in the world. then i would drive across the street to my aunt's house and hang out there for a little. then if their was a yankees game that day i would go with my aunt to it because she has season tickets. then after the game im imagining it's around 4 oclock pm right now so i would start heading home. but i would take exit 7a (i think) and then go to six flags!!!!!! i would ride king da ka, nitro, and el torro a million times. then finally i would start driving home, and at one of the intersections i forget which one i would make a pit stop and go to dunkin donuts and eat a whole dozen by myself. next i would arrive at my house, figuring it is around 8 now. i would go into my basement flick on she's the man, and laugh my head off for the rest of the night. ohhhh boy cant wait.

dan o

Anonymous said...

To be come an adult for 24 hours would be fun.....what woul I do? I would go to the promenade and go to paner and order the mac and cheese with a strawberry smothie. After that I would go pick up my sister and ride to the mall and shop til we drop. After that we would go to cold stone and ge some really goodbice cream. Once we stuffed ourselves with food we would go home get in pajamas and watch my favorite movies...overthe hedge,she's the man, Sydney white, and UP now that would be a good day.

~Jessica Packard~

Anonymous said...

Wow. Being a grown up for 24 hours. I agree with Matty on this one. I would just find a car and drive around and Paarty All night long! Then i would sit at a bar, not drink but just sit at a bar cause thats one thing u can do when ur older. I would drive everwhere. I think the main part about being older is the freedom to go wherever u want whenever you want to. It would be a blast. But thats not real life. I think Adults want to be kids again because then they wouldnt have to worry about bills and wht not. Kids want to be adults, when they should really be never wanting to grow up, like peter pan....


Anonymous said...

Nice. I agree with Matt and Eric. There is nothing stoping me from partying all night long. Them i would get up the next morning not remembering anything then drive anywhere i want. The best thing is that you can go anywhere because there are no limits when you are older except maybe a passport for other countrys. Well thats what i would do but back to reality.

Zack Aho

Anonymous said...

Yeah if I was 21, I'd probably go to Vagas and party hard. You only have one time to be an adult and do things like that without to many responsibilties, so why waist them.


Anonymous said...

dan yours is really really good but one thing, ace of cakes is way better, cake boss is so stupid you want to see real cakes intalians dont do it good enough! but if i was an adult and was able to drive i would probably come back and see mr.g and ms.carr, and tell them all about me being a grown up and doing grown up things. i dont think i could go to vegas or anything like that since im not a partier all though i could be designated driver and celbrate the fact that no one died if i was a good driver! i dont really see myself being that kind of person, id rather have a little meggy! heheh little meggys!


Anonymous said...

If i where an Adult for 24 hours i would just drive around all over. sometimes i would help the people who are having a hard time in life because when you are an adule you are recognized more than you are as a kid usually.

Craig Odem zzz-_-

Anonymous said...

pshhhhh megan yeah right! cake boss all the way! there's nothin better than an italian with a hoboken accent!

dan o

Anonymous said...

If I were an adult for a day and I was like 25, I would take a road trip with my freinds to Las Vegas or Alantic City and party,hit the casinos and just do stupid stuff. But that's not real life.I think adults want to be kids again cause who wants to work at their job for 9-10 hours, pay for gas and bills, and just all the other responiblities of being an adult. I think kids want to be adults cause....??? Well I really don't know, being a kid is great. You get the summer off unlike most adults, you can eat junk food and play video games,ride your bike around town,play sports, and hang out with freinds. Being kid sounds dam good to me.

Zach Anderson