Saturday, May 29, 2010


What irritates you?


Anonymous said...

When people think they are too cool..... FOR ANYTHING! like when people break obvious rules that they can get in really big trouble for that bugs me. And not to be mean but when Matt Nick and whoever else was sitting next to them yesterday when mr. G was telling ilhis story started to laugh and couldn't think of a reason why because they were too cool to show any connection or feeling really bugged me. God forbid they show emotion in any way shape or form! Because you know if they did someone might think they are sensitive! But you know what girls like sensitive boys.

~ jessica packard~

Anonymous said...

There are probably three things in this world that irritate me...
1) When people say stuff behind my back like say it to me face and we'll see what happens
2) The people who say stuff about people just to make someone mad or make a couple fight or break up, but in truth it was just a rumor.
3)When the person in front of you is walking extremely slow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What irritates me hmm?? When friends you have known for a while talk behind you back and act like they don't want to hang out with you sometimes and other times they want to.I also don't like when other people talk behind peoples backs. First off no ones gonna like everyone so get over it. Second of all find something else to talk about!I also don't like when people break rules like Jess said and expect me to break the rules because they did.

ιeah Ο.<3❀

Anonymous said...

one thing that really irritates me is that ms carr is getting moved to the little school. it stinks that the seventh graders next year cant go through class 211 like previous classes have. i think that this class really matured all of us. without this class i would still be that immature little jerk that people didnt like. i may be a little annoying and immature still but i think i still grew up a lot because of room 211.

dan o

Anonymous said...

It irritates me soooooo much when people think they are too cool, like Jess said. Like when guys act all tough and refuse to show any emotion. Girls do like sensitive guys!!
Another thing that REALLY bugs me is when people talk about you and you are right near them. Obviously if someone is whispering to their friend and looking at you, they are talking about you. So why wouldn't they just say that to my face instead? Ughhhh it just annoys me!!!! Buuuuut i guess there is not much I can do about it, it happens.

One more thing, and then I'm done I promise!! It bugs me when people make fun or tease other people. I don't get it! Whats the point? calling someone fat doesn't make you any skinnier.
calling someone stupid isn't going to make you any smarter.
ruining someone's life certainly isn't going to make you happier.
I borrowed that quote from Mean Girls. But really, what's the point in making fun of people??

emilee!! (:

Anonymous said...

and what page did we read to in nineteen minutes while I was at Ocky?


Anonymous said...

things that irritate me are when people talk behind my back because theyre too afraid to say it to my face. when people yell at me. also when people bother me when im not feeling well or im in a bad mood.


Anonymous said...

Something that irriitates me is too see inoccent people being picked on.Another thing i hate is when people talk behind your back.

Anonymous said...

i know this isnt as deep as people (myself included) said before but something else that irritates me is when people chew obnoxiously. or maybe not even obnoxiously just annoyingly. my dad has probably the most annoying chew in the world. and everytime he is chewing something in the same room as me. i either want to do 2 things. 1) punch him in the face. 2) leave the room. and i usually do number 2. hahahaha "do number 2" THAT MEANS POOP! ok now that i got my immaturity out of the way. that's it.

dan o

Anonymous said...

Things that irratate me are when someones staring at you while whispering to their friend and you know that theyre talking about you, when everyones spreading a rumor about you and its not true, when someone plays a really mean joke on you and they think its funny, and when people think theyre too cool for you. Thats all i can think of right now.


P.S.- matt, i thought that was really funny how you put when people in front of you walk really slow..haha i hate thatttt!

Anonymous said...

The main things that irritate me are when people chew like really loudly because its just annoying. Also, (like bridget said) when someone talks to someone else and then they look at you because then you know that they are talking about you, which i then ask why cant you just say it to my face. Which brings up the point of i hate it when people talk behind my back.
Lastly, i hate it when you tell someone all of the things that are happening in your life (good and bad) because you think that you can trust them, and then when something big happens in their life, they dont tell you. this bugs me because your telling this person everything and then they dont tell you anything... so do they really care?
~Autumn <3

Anonymous said...

The things that irritates me are when I'm trying to tell a friend story or something someone buts into the conversion and just starts talking and
interrupts me.What also really bugs me when my little sister chews her gum in my ear is sooo anonnying!
Like Briget and Matt I also hate when people walk in the hallway really slow!
Leah D.

Anonymous said...

What Irratates me... There's a lot of things.
When you have a bad cut and you bang something on it.
People that say bad stuff about you
when it rains.
When the tv doesn't work.
Bad grades

Zach Wood

Anonymous said...

pretty much leah d's, leah o's and bridget's comment are defintely true!
it does get me ticked off when that happens.
where your being talked behind their back or they but into the convo.
-Katiee (:

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that nothing has ever irritated me that much. And lately the fire in my belly, as Mr.G likes to call it has become more tame. And sure I do get irritated sometimes but never to the point where I am fuming or punchy-happy.

Jon H.

Anonymous said...

ohh!!!!! just thought of something that really makes me want to shoot someone. it's when a white kid, with a mullet, wearing a beater, and a backwards hat. now that is probably the top thing that irritates me in the whole world.

dan o (again)

Anonymous said...

i hate when people talk about me behind my back and then LIE when i ask them about the kind of person who if i say something about you i have a reason and if you ask me ill live up to what i said. i also hate when people show noo compasion for someone who has just gone through a tough time..and when people think that they are too cool to do something like just have fun and not worry about stupid social rules that over the years i have just said screw it ill do what i feel and if you dont like it i dont need you. and i also hate when TEACHERS of all people make everything a popularity contest and let certian kids get away with stuff but then flip on other people if they do something small


Anonymous said...

what irritates me is when someone talks about me behind my back or any of my friends because i feel if someone had a problem with me they should come to me and let me know whats up and if theres a way i can change whats bothering them instead of them just saying stuff behind my back because if i find out it was something bad it wont be good for them

sean maloney