Monday, May 3, 2010


Do you know anybody your age who has been harmed by being sexually active, or who regrets being sexually active? What were their regrets?


Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know if anyone my age has been sexually active. I mean everyone has heard rumors, but they are just that, rumors. And if anyone has been at 13 or 14 I am sure that they regret it. And if rumors are still flying around, then nobody should listen to them, rumors are either made to hurt people or to make someone who they're not. I would like to hear from more people's points of view because I know that I am not all that involved socially. I know actually very little about what happens socially.

Jon H.

Anonymous said...

No i dont know anyone who has been buttt if they haave I would think they regret the whole thing. Like what if a rumor spread around, what if the guy they did it with or girll said something about it. What if they felt to young or they felt violated, you know???? Like it could be H E double hockey sticks for the person/people who did it. PLUS i think we are toooooooooooo young to be even thinking about it because we are just too young. No effense to any body butt I am like one of the oldest in the grade and I think its just plain disgusting and we areee wwwwaayyyyyy to young to be doing it.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think Theresa. I'm suprised that not a lot of people commented though. This would have brought up some good conversations.

Jon H.

Anonymous said...

Actually I do, she regrets it completely. One person tells one person thinking everything will be fine. Yeah... think again. Sometimes it's hard to find sometime to trust in this situation, in anyway situation. Well anyway, she regrets being sexually active at this age. Obviously I'm here for her whenever she needs a shoulder to cry on, but it won't make her forget what everyone called her when they found out. People don't forget as easily as you think they do. What she regrets most though is telling someone she thought she could trust. It turns out telling one person has a thin line between telling the whole school.


Anonymous said...

i know two people i have no idea if they regret it.

dan 0

Anonymous said...

i know one but he doesn't regret it.

Anonymous said...

I know who you're talking about Cherry.

Jon H.

Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone but if I did I think they're regret it a lot. Not only that they are too young but he might get a girl pregnant. Most kids always talk about how they want to have sex with some girl they like, All my friends have. I even have. You might think it's a good idea at the time to have sex. But afterwards you will probally be thinking oh s**t what did I do. YOU'D REGRET IT.

Zach wood

Anonymous said...

i know two different people that have and they do regret it. the fact they regret the choices they had made makes me respect them because even though they did it the fact that they noticed that the actions they made were wrong and they have the emotional power to realize what they did wasn't the best choice is good enough for me

Sean M

Anonymous said...

I know a person but i dont think he regrets it. I think the only time a person wil regret it is later in his life when he is pissed that he didnt wait until he was with the person who he loved. Or if he got some sort of STD.

-Dan Hoffing

Anonymous said...

Their's rumors out their about sex but their rumors. I don't think most of them are true but who knows. I think if some of these kids did have sex they would regret it 100%. Not only their to young but what if the girl gets pregnant or they get a STD.Then these kids lives would be turned upside down if one of thoes too things happened and they would 100% regret it. Like Zach Wood said all of my freinds and I talk about girls and sex. If I had sex with a girl at 14 afterwards I think I would definantly regret It.

Zach Anderson

Anonymous said...

i don't think that it is right for total abstinence. If people are going to have sex then they are going to have sex. And if the are not. then good for them. But i just think that committing to total abstinence, wouldnt be the right thing. cause people commit and then go and have sex anyway
~~michaela howell(: