Do you know anybody who has ever benefited from smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs? Do you know anybody who has been harmed by smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs?
I do not know anyone who has been benifited by drugs. My grandfather smokes almsot a pack od cigarettes everyday, as many times we try and tell him how bad it is so smoke he doesnt listen. He tried to get him to chew the gum and i even told him abotu what i learned in health class about what all this nicotine adn drugs can do you. It digusted me and it still does that hes putting all those harmful chemicals into his body. He says all the time that hes fine, never wants to go see a doctor, to see if maybe he is doing something to his lungs or insides. But the answers always no, im fine. I love him so much for what he is but i jsut wish he would stop. One day if hedoesnt stop hes gonna be gone and when that day comes i dont know how ill handle it, we are so much alike and if i lost him id lose it. -nichole :) (first comment)
no i do not know of anyone who has benefited from drugs and i think that no one ever will. yes i do know of someone who has been harmed by drugs and alchohol. my uncle his wife died at age 29 and he was and still is but getting bertter a hardcore alcoholic. he used to drop of his 8 yr old son to us and then go out and drink or just leave him home alone! eventually my mom tried to put a stop to this by saying nicholas couldnt be brought to our house under such pretenses and he flipped. he started talking to my mom's family about her behind her back (but they all told her anyway shes the last of 6)and leaving threatening messages on our answering machine threatening my mom, my dad (which isnt the smartest idea ), and even me and my little brother. my mom went to try go get a restraining order but it fell through. continuously though when he was sober he would call (its gotten to the point where we stopped picking up the phone) and keep appologizing over and over again that he was drunk and he was wrong and he wouldnt do it again. he did it again the following day. so it got pretty bad my mom cried.alot. but now its getting slightly better hes sober alot more and we can actually see him and my cousin(that was a very bad time in my life after my aunt died and i couldnt see my 5 yr old cousin for the next year or 2.)but its better now.slightly and we can kinda move on but yes he was harmed a d went into detox and rehab many many many times and even caused an sccident with nicholas in the car(nick was 6 at the time) and he wasnt in a car seat. but he healed and thats all i care about ~veronica Lee Browne~
The people i know and care about havent but some dont know that. what sucks my true friends have taking a path on their on choice and im afriad they wont see what it will do the long not really sure if they have been harmed cuz like i said they dont see what it will or posibly do to them. what i have in my head with the drug and alcohol problem i have seen and hear about i think i have a really good idea what im gona do and its going to be saying away from it. i know my friends wont see things exactly how i do but i really wish they would with this situation i hope they do before it to late
i only knew one person who smoked it was my Nana. she smoked like 2 packs a day! at school they would always tell us to tell our parents or anyone we knew who smoked to stop. but we were in hat 2nd grade! how are you supposed to tell someone to stop doing something at that young of an age. unfortunately smoking took her life on march 4, 2005. now when i see someone smoking i tell them to stop even if they dont listen because i dont want a little kid to loose someone they care about like i did.
i do not know anyone who has benifited from any of that nastyyy stuff. my dad smokes. a pack and a half a day. he has been smoking since he was 15. i am afraid every day that i might wake up and he wont be there. that one day hes just going to die. he never goes to the doctor.. its been at least 10 years. and i think its because hes afraid. but i am more afraid... that one day soon he might be gone forever. thats just it. ~Autumn <33
Both my grandparents on my mom's side smoke and my grandpa drinks. My cousin does drugs and drinks and he's a mess. He just got his permit and I really hope starts to turn his life around. I'd hate to see him ruin his life because he's a great basketball player and a decent football player; he wants to be a sportscaster and he has his whole life ahead of him. He's a good guy. In November, I'll be really scared because he'll get his liscence and then he won't need my uncle with him to go anywhere, and I'm afraid that he'll get drunk and be stupid enough to drive. ~Jules :)
the people i care about who do use drugs and what not havent benifitted from it and i can tell they think there on top of the world and what not but really thats just the high or whatever and it hurts me to see loved ones use drugs and think it wont affect them.
I don't know anyone who has benifited from drugs,alcohal, or smoking. I think it's a really stupid decision to make if you chose to over use drinking or smoking when you are an adult. When your a kid you shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff because if you look at other kids who did drugs and see the path there headed its not one you would want to be on.I guess some kids think its an excuse to get through stuff, but really its not it is more harmful.
well i know that prescriptions are drugs and they help you get better most of the time when your sick, so i think that might be a benefit of using drugs. I know a few people in my family that smoke cigarettes and it is harming their health. they want to quit, but its really hard for them to because of all the years of doing it, they can't just stop unless they use a patch or gum but the side effects of some of them are suicide and other things so they dont want to chance that so their trying their best to cut down the intake slowly. -jessica s :)
the only person i know who does drugs is my brother. he smokes cigarettes all the time. sometimes he comes home and smells TERRIBLE! (cause of the smoke, not cause he doesnt shower) and half of the money he earns at his job he spends on cigarettes. and my parents hate that he wastes all the money he earns on something that can kill him.
I dont think anyone benefitted from all that stuff unless perscribed medically. I know someone who had been smoking and wanted to stop. Wanted to be healthy. I scared him telling him dont smoke everytime you smoke you lose a day or week of your life he listened. He wanted to see his children grow up and see them get married and have grandchildren. If you really really really wanted to stop and you try really really really hard you can succeed. That shows it right there, if smoking cigars count, that if you really want it you can get it. Also since I have a 50/50 percent chance of getting cancer, i'd rather stay away from thoughs things. Also a family member of mine had been smoking, few years later she died from lung cancer. We are not positive if it was caused by the cigerette but we are pretty sure. Just saying, but thats why the high school wants us to be and stay active so we wont get into drugs and such... ~Theresa
I know people who smoke and drink almost every day(gross much?), and they're around our age. I hate it when they smoke... they've done it around me and the smell makes me gag. The worst part is they're some of the nicest people and I get worried about them. Like, my one friend is starting to do it constantly and I don't want to see them take the same path as a few high schoolers I know. The person is one of the best people to hang out with, they are always there when you need a smile and it'd be really different without them. I feel like if they keep smoking then they'll take a turn for the worst... and frankly I don't like the sound of that. They think smoking will calm you down and let your worries fly out the door... yup that's exactly right. Ewh, no! Smoking is just a stupid way of ruining your lungs. That's deffinitly what I want to do with my life... not. I just wished they'd stop):
I obviously know people that do drugs, and i think that they think that they benefit from it. They think that they are smoking and drinking the hardships away and out of their mind. Which i think is selfish! I can get if you had the choice to not know something anymore, but dont be an asshole and drink problems away so hopefully you cant remember things when you wake up, because for a few of us we choice to live with,like the memories of parents dieing, and not drinking it away because we could die. Like some people have dramatic things that go on in your life and you forget things that happen years before....i dont know i think its selfish.
And i am also a person who has been harmed by drugs and alcohol
i think over 80% of the people i know do some kind of drug. and some of it is soo deep that i cant even say. my dad smokes like a chimney and my mom is an alcoholic. But the one who im scared for is my older brother chris. hes 19 and is graduating high school. and his future isnt looking so good. he already has a criminal record. the drugs hes done are just horrible, ecstasy, acid, weed, cigarettes, and these things have been done more then once. About a week ago chris and i just took a drive in his car just like talking and he had 26 pills in his car he was selling and it was like 14 oxy cotton, 7 aderale, and 15 ecstasy. and like i cant beleive that a week away of going into college{well if he makes it into college} hes still rapped up in all the bullshit. i truly am scared for parents already gave up on helping him. and i know there is still hope i can make him change but it looks like he has dug a hole too big and cant get out.
I know people who do drugs, but none of them are my friends... and i have made the choice not to become close friends with them. People who do drugs are getting no benefits unless it's a medication drug, and sometimes they don't help people either. I don't really know how the drugs have affected these people, but i'm sure it isn't in a good way. People who are doing drugs at this age are making a horrible decision and may be harming their future. I mean if anyone can tell me... what is so great about doing drugs?
I wasn't alive when my dad used drugs like heroine, cociane, crystal meth, weed, and LSD but hes told me all about it how it's terrible and no one should ever do them. Ofcourse they are sober now, my dad for 25 years and I think they have some problems from using them. My dad forgets stuff all the time. He thinks stuff happens when it doesn't. But I love my dad he's the best in the world. I never knew him using drugs but for all my friends we all know how nice of a guy he is.
I do not know anyone who has been benifited by drugs. My grandfather smokes almsot a pack od cigarettes everyday, as many times we try and tell him how bad it is so smoke he doesnt listen. He tried to get him to chew the gum and i even told him abotu what i learned in health class about what all this nicotine adn drugs can do you. It digusted me and it still does that hes putting all those harmful chemicals into his body. He says all the time that hes fine, never wants to go see a doctor, to see if maybe he is doing something to his lungs or insides. But the answers always no, im fine. I love him so much for what he is but i jsut wish he would stop. One day if hedoesnt stop hes gonna be gone and when that day comes i dont know how ill handle it, we are so much alike and if i lost him id lose it.
-nichole :)
(first comment)
no i do not know of anyone who has benefited from drugs and i think that no one ever will. yes i do know of someone who has been harmed by drugs and alchohol. my uncle his wife died at age 29 and he was and still is but getting bertter a hardcore alcoholic. he used to drop of his 8 yr old son to us and then go out and drink or just leave him home alone! eventually my mom tried to put a stop to this by saying nicholas couldnt be brought to our house under such pretenses and he flipped. he started talking to my mom's family about her behind her back (but they all told her anyway shes the last of 6)and leaving threatening messages on our answering machine threatening my mom, my dad (which isnt the smartest idea ), and even me and my little brother. my mom went to try go get a restraining order but it fell through. continuously though when he was sober he would call (its gotten to the point where we stopped picking up the phone) and keep appologizing over and over again that he was drunk and he was wrong and he wouldnt do it again. he did it again the following day. so it got pretty bad my mom cried.alot. but now its getting slightly better hes sober alot more and we can actually see him and my cousin(that was a very bad time in my life after my aunt died and i couldnt see my 5 yr old cousin for the next year or 2.)but its better now.slightly and we can kinda move on but yes he was harmed a d went into detox and rehab many many many times and even caused an sccident with nicholas in the car(nick was 6 at the time) and he wasnt in a car seat. but he healed and thats all i care about
~veronica Lee Browne~
The people i know and care about havent but some dont know that. what sucks my true friends have taking a path on their on choice and im afriad they wont see what it will do the long not really sure if they have been harmed cuz like i said they dont see what it will or posibly do to them. what i have in my head with the drug and alcohol problem i have seen and hear about i think i have a really good idea what im gona do and its going to be saying away from it. i know my friends wont see things exactly how i do but i really wish they would with this situation i hope they do before it to late
i only knew one person who smoked it was my Nana. she smoked like 2 packs a day! at school they would always tell us to tell our parents or anyone we knew who smoked to stop. but we were in hat 2nd grade! how are you supposed to tell someone to stop doing something at that young of an age. unfortunately smoking took her life on march 4, 2005. now when i see someone smoking i tell them to stop even if they dont listen because i dont want a little kid to loose someone they care about like i did.
-jessica packard-
i do not know anyone who has benifited from any of that nastyyy stuff. my dad smokes. a pack and a half a day. he has been smoking since he was 15. i am afraid every day that i might wake up and he wont be there. that one day hes just going to die. he never goes to the doctor.. its been at least 10 years. and i think its because hes afraid. but i am more afraid... that one day soon he might be gone forever.
thats just it.
~Autumn <33
Both my grandparents on my mom's side smoke and my grandpa drinks. My cousin does drugs and drinks and he's a mess. He just got his permit and I really hope starts to turn his life around. I'd hate to see him ruin his life because he's a great basketball player and a decent football player; he wants to be a sportscaster and he has his whole life ahead of him. He's a good guy. In November, I'll be really scared because he'll get his liscence and then he won't need my uncle with him to go anywhere, and I'm afraid that he'll get drunk and be stupid enough to drive.
~Jules :)
the people i care about who do use drugs and what not havent benifitted from it and i can tell they think there on top of the world and what not but really thats just the high or whatever and it hurts me to see loved ones use drugs and think it wont affect them.
I don't know anyone who has benifited from drugs,alcohal, or smoking. I think it's a really stupid decision to make if you chose to over use drinking or smoking when you are an adult. When your a kid you shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff because if you look at other kids who did drugs and see the path there headed its not one you would want to be on.I guess some kids think its an excuse to get through stuff, but really its not it is more harmful.
Leah O.:)!!
well i know that prescriptions are drugs and they help you get better most of the time when your sick, so i think that might be a benefit of using drugs. I know a few people in my family that smoke cigarettes and it is harming their health. they want to quit, but its really hard for them to because of all the years of doing it, they can't just stop unless they use a patch or gum but the side effects of some of them are suicide and other things so they dont want to chance that so their trying their best to cut down the intake slowly.
-jessica s :)
the only person i know who does drugs is my brother. he smokes cigarettes all the time. sometimes he comes home and smells TERRIBLE! (cause of the smoke, not cause he doesnt shower) and half of the money he earns at his job he spends on cigarettes. and my parents hate that he wastes all the money he earns on something that can kill him.
dan o
I dont think anyone benefitted from all that stuff unless perscribed medically. I know someone who had been smoking and wanted to stop. Wanted to be healthy. I scared him telling him dont smoke everytime you smoke you lose a day or week of your life he listened. He wanted to see his children grow up and see them get married and have grandchildren. If you really really really wanted to stop and you try really really really hard you can succeed. That shows it right there, if smoking cigars count, that if you really want it you can get it. Also since I have a 50/50 percent chance of getting cancer, i'd rather stay away from thoughs things. Also a family member of mine had been smoking, few years later she died from lung cancer. We are not positive if it was caused by the cigerette but we are pretty sure. Just saying, but thats why the high school wants us to be and stay active so we wont get into drugs and such...
I know people who smoke and drink almost every day(gross much?), and they're around our age. I hate it when they smoke... they've done it around me and the smell makes me gag. The worst part is they're some of the nicest people and I get worried about them. Like, my one friend is starting to do it constantly and I don't want to see them take the same path as a few high schoolers I know. The person is one of the best people to hang out with, they are always there when you need a smile and it'd be really different without them. I feel like if they keep smoking then they'll take a turn for the worst... and frankly I don't like the sound of that. They think smoking will calm you down and let your worries fly out the door... yup that's exactly right. Ewh, no! Smoking is just a stupid way of ruining your lungs. That's deffinitly what I want to do with my life... not. I just wished they'd stop):
I obviously know people that do drugs, and i think that they think that they benefit from it. They think that they are smoking and drinking the hardships away and out of their mind. Which i think is selfish! I can get if you had the choice to not know something anymore, but dont be an asshole and drink problems away so hopefully you cant remember things when you wake up, because for a few of us we choice to live with,like the memories of parents dieing, and not drinking it away because we could die. Like some people have dramatic things that go on in your life and you forget things that happen years before....i dont know i think its selfish.
And i am also a person who has been harmed by drugs and alcohol
Megan Basenfelder
i think over 80% of the people i know do some kind of drug. and some of it is soo deep that i cant even say. my dad smokes like a chimney and my mom is an alcoholic. But the one who im scared for is my older brother chris. hes 19 and is graduating high school. and his future isnt looking so good. he already has a criminal record. the drugs hes done are just horrible, ecstasy, acid, weed, cigarettes, and these things have been done more then once. About a week ago chris and i just took a drive in his car just like talking and he had 26 pills in his car he was selling and it was like 14 oxy cotton, 7 aderale, and 15 ecstasy. and like i cant beleive that a week away of going into college{well if he makes it into college} hes still rapped up in all the bullshit. i truly am scared for parents already gave up on helping him. and i know there is still hope i can make him change but it looks like he has dug a hole too big and cant get out.
I know people who do drugs, but none of them are my friends... and i have made the choice not to become close friends with them. People who do drugs are getting no benefits unless it's a medication drug, and sometimes they don't help people either. I don't really know how the drugs have affected these people, but i'm sure it isn't in a good way. People who are doing drugs at this age are making a horrible decision and may be harming their future. I mean if anyone can tell me... what is so great about doing drugs?
I wasn't alive when my dad used drugs like heroine, cociane, crystal meth, weed, and LSD but hes told me all about it how it's terrible and no one should ever do them. Ofcourse they are sober now, my dad for 25 years and I think they have some problems from using them. My dad forgets stuff all the time. He thinks stuff happens when it doesn't. But I love my dad he's the best in the world. I never knew him using drugs but for all my friends we all know how nice of a guy he is.
Zach Wood
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