Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Some people believe that if a boy wants to have sex, his girlfriend owes it to him. What do you think about that idea? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How does that idea make you feel?


Anonymous said...

i disagree, if your boyfriend or girlfriend really likes you, they should understand if you say no. they shouldn't force you because that is wrong. It makes me sort of mad when people think that way. When your both ready and want to, then you can because it should be special for both people.
-jessica s :)

Anonymous said...

I think thats horrible if you do do it for him than you probably would regret it. Never pay back in that way if you dont want to or if your not ready give him a hug or something. Not that of all things and if he still wants it dump the kid. Its disguisting this thought gets on my nerves guys should wait untill your ready. And if they dont they dont disearve you. If a boy does that just dump him thats what I would do in that situation. Your first time should be the most romantic special day of your life even if its not your first time nerver let a guy take avantage of you.
~Theresa ☺

Anonymous said...

I think that this is the most rediculous statment I have ever heard, I definetly disagree with this cause I mean just about every guy is going to want to have sex with their girlfriend, but there is nothing that any guy could do to a girl that would make her owe it to him, sure there are things that he could do to get her in "the mood" but for this to happen they would have to be going out for a while and have either done it before or almost have, but most of the time the guy could care less about the girl he is just in it for the sex but not all guys, like me if I were going out with a girl I wouldnt say a word about sex until she does and she is definetly ready because chances are if you rush into it your relationship could get aquward in some cases and you get further away and the relationship that could have been the 1 just crumbles into peices. If any thing the guy ows it to the girl to wait for the right moment to strt having sex.
-Kyle Abrams

Anonymous said...

I think that idea is completely ridiculous. A girl shouldn't "owe" a guy anything. And that statement kind of angers me, mainly because it makes no sense. Why would a girl ever owe that kind of thing to a guy? I deffinetly disagree with that statement.


Anonymous said...

I think it takes two to tango! If the girl doesn't want to have sex than thats to bad for the guy. She has an opinoin and it weighs in too. A girl as Emilee said doesn't owe a guy anything.That whole idea sickens me because girls have the right to make there own decisions and a relationship has to sides. Both people owe eachother love,and comitment but deffinatley not sex.

Leah O.:)

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying no girl ever owes me sex. :)MATT(:

Anonymous said...

I completly disagree with that statement. A girl shouldnt have sex with a guy because she "owes" it to her boyfriend. A girl should never owe anything to a guy. If a guy wants to have sex with his girlfriend and she says no, then he should respect that and not pressure her to do anything that she doesnt want to do. A boy has no right to take a girls virginity becasue she "owed" him, if he was a good boyfriend he would wait intill she was ready and let her give him her virginity as a gift.


Anonymous said...

I 100% disagree with this statement! Girls do not "owe" their boyfriends a thing. Of course boys want sex, but if they truly love you and you say no they will understand. I mean there are a lot of guys in our grade that if you say no to sex they just break up with u...! It's wrong... That's when you know if a guy really loves you... he wouldn't break up with you because you say no to sex! I have heard a lot of stories from other girls that they're boyfriend broke up with them because they wouldn't have sex with their boyfriend and that just angers me. I mean is that all guys are after at this age? Is there any guy right now that would go out with you and not break up with you if you said no to sex?



p.s. Ms. Carr I have to tell you what happened when i got home :/

Anonymous said...

this blog makes me super angry. i completly dissagree. in a relationship no one should have to owe the other anything. its rediculous. if you want to have sex and your girlfriend says not just respect her and get on with your life.. if you had a good boyfriend he would never put you in that situation(or at least he shouldn't) thats it. plain and simple. respectt.
~Autumn <33

Anonymous said...

p.s. i liked matt's post (:
it made me laughh. lol.
~Autumn <3

Anonymous said...

Ok so here is how it goes in a relationship. if a guy wants to have sex with a girl and the girl doesnt want to then you dont! simple as that. boys if you force a girl to have sex with you you are going to be out of their life in a hot second. i disagree with this stupid idea 100%! if any guy thinks his girlfriend owes him anything! he is out of his mind. a boy is lucky he even has a girl! this little idea makes me furious when i hear it because girls should be treated like angels not as a prize you win when you put a quarter into a machine we are worth like a billion of those quarters . if you want to have sex so bad with a girl you have to earn it by being nice and respectful

-jessica packard-

Anonymous said...

jess! i love your postt! especially the "we should be treated like angels not like a prize you get when you put a quarter into a machinee" itss ssoo good (:
~Autumn <3

Anonymous said...

i dont get how guys think girls owe us anything, at all. if anything we owe them. they shouldnt have to owe us anything i think women makes this world run espescially my mom ms carr.


Anonymous said...

A girl does owe excuse me SHIT to a guy and vis versa its your chioce if you want to or not i would think we own girls thats how it is

hahaha austin


Anonymous said...

Your right Austin girls do make the world go Round! You areprobably the first guy to notice that! Thank god for Austin

~Jessica Packard~


Mr. G said...

But what if the guys and girl have dated for a long time, doesn't she owe the guy? What if the guy buys her expensive gifts and treats her to every date? Doesn't she owe him something?

Anonymous said...

Austin, you're right. And Mr.G i see no reason as to why a girl would owe a guy sex, just because he treats her well. Like Leah Oattes said, it takes two to tango! heheh(: And Jake and why does a girl owe stuff to a guy? I'm just wonderiinnn.

Anonymous said...

sorry that one was emilee!!

Anonymous said...

I think that its the guys choice to pay for dinner, and buy her expensive gifts, and i still dont think that a girl should owe any guy anything (or any guy owe and girl anything)because its just not how it works in my mind. in my mind i think that in a relationship, you do special things for each other without expecting the other person to do something in return.
P.S. i like austins posstt (:
~Autumn <3

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if the guy and girl have dated for a long time, a girl doesn't owe a guy anything. I know if a guy ever treated me like i owed them something I wouldn't ever date them again. If the boy reallly likes you he WILL respect you, and if he doesn't it just proves that he's not a good boyfriend.

~HaLeY :]

Anonymous said...

In response to your statement Mr.G she still doesn't owe the guy anything in my opinion. Its like you've been saying any guy is lucky to have a girlfriend and they should be treated like princesses. The mere thought of a girl owing a guy sex is ridonkulous. And yes I mean ridonkulous. Borrowing another one of your quotes Mr.G, if a guy wants to have sex and he doesn't respect the girl's decision not to kick him out the door. Bye, Bye.

Jon H.~

Anonymous said...

Mr.G I thought about what you said and even if you date for a long time I dont think the girl should owe the guy anything at all.I think some guys exepect sex after buying them gifts and stuff but really in a way they're sort of buying sex and thats just wrong in alot of ways.

Anonymous said...

Tyler I agree 100% with what your blog was about!!:)

Leah O.:)

Mr. G said...

But isn't having a girlfriend like an investment. You put time and money into it and hope it pays off?

Anonymous said...

i agree with you Mr. G and it may say like it should be that way but i still dont think a girl owes me anything unless they want to i would never pessure a girl into doing something like sex

Anonymous said...

No i disagree with that statement, girls dont owe their boyfriend anything. This idea is so wrong, In a relationship no one should owe anyone anthing. If a guy breaks up with you becasue he wants sex then he doesnt really love you. If you ask and your girlfriend says no then dont force it because then shell no you really love her. Dont force anything, respect what she says, adn well respect you too.
-nichole :)

Anonymous said...

sorryy girls i meant didnt owe:)


Anonymous said...

if the guy thinks he deserves it...he is noo where near deserving of the girl for which he is dating..and if a guy tells his girl that he deserves sex...she should leave the minute he even thinks about it...because if she even has a thought she will regret it then she shouldent because she most likely will regret it and as mrg and ms carr say if it doesnt feel right...99% of the time ITS NOT!! so if you arent a 100% sure...DONT DO IT...and i think that the guy should be kissing where she "his" women is standing..because if he thinks he deserves it..he doesnt even deserve her..so if a guy thinks you "owe" him sex...just leave him sitting on the curb..


Anonymous said...

I'm sooo mad I missed this blog, so I'll comment on it nowww(: Girls don't owe guys anything, if they really want something from a girl go to a prostitute. Like seriously? Any guy who thinks we owe them something can come to me and I will personally knock their lights out. Thaank god most of the guys disagreeed with girls oweing stuff to a guy or we would have problemssss! And by the way Mr.G... all your questions... yeah not liking them. They made me mad. First of allll a guy buys her gifts willingly, do you think we care about getting gifts? I could care less if I got a rubber band. Guys decide to get gifts for the girl or take her on a date. Guys decide to stay with a girl and if they're smart enough they won't do something stupidddd. Second of all a girl is not an investmant. You're asking for it now Mr.G! If anything a girl is a princess. You're putting effort into the relationship because you like the girl and you want it to last as long as possible. You're putting money into it... well, because you want to woo her. Like taking her out to the movies and buying her the extra large popcorn to show off the money you got(; Just kiddding. Well, this blog was annnoying. Just the fact that some guys think this bothers me. Gurrrr.


Anonymous said...

If you think that a girl is an investment than you better go see Doctor, because you would have to be really screwed up in the head to think that.You also might want to get a prostitute instead and save the girl the pain after it all "pays off"

Mr. G said...

Good for all of you. Alexis, I said to things to get all of you talking. The sad truth is, that most guys do feel "owed" especially when they have been good to a girl. We are a class of confident young women and boys who know what it is to treat women like the precious gems they are...

Anonymous said...

youron drugs if your agree with this anarchy. hahahahahaa

Nick Haas

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! *Growls* I'm sorry, but that's some of the biggest bullsh!t I''ve ever heard. That's just horrible! What is wrong with those people? No girl owes some @ssw!pe guy sex. To have sex, the guy has to have the girl's consent. It's not up to just him. No girl should have to have sex if she doesn't want to. If anything, the GUY owes it to the GIRL to wait until she's ready. This idea just p!sses me off.

~Dan Fink~X~

Anonymous said...

To Jackie: In answer to your question, most guys right now would only go out for the popularity and the sex. I for one would not go out for the popularity or the sex. In fact, if a girl suggested sex to me, my response would be immediatly no.

~Dan Fink~X~

Anonymous said...

Thats "BS" because if theres anything ive learned in la its how to treat people and especially girls. girls dont owe guys shit.As mr G says 'they should be treated like queens". I really disagree with that statement.

-Brett Blancha

Anonymous said...

This statement is ridiculous and total BS. I girl should never "owe" her boyfreind anything at all. And if a guy ever tryed to put his girlfreid in that spot the guy is a total a$$hole and the girl should break up with him on the spot. Women don't get enough respect. Most guys see women as just objects and that is crazy. I think women should get way more respect and should be treated like princesses cause they reallly do make the world move. In a relationship the guy should pay for dinner and buy the girl gifts and the guy should not think of getting anything in return.

Zach Anderson