“When he first reached the school and saw a friend in the parking lot, he tried to warn him off, for safety. He lit a pipe bomb in a car before going into the school, to serve as a diversion so that he could enter unimpeded with his guns. He concealed weapons that were preloaded. He targeted areas in the school where he himself had been victimized. These are not the acts of someone who doesn’t know what he’s doing – they’re the hallmarks of a rational, angry – perhaps suffering, but certainly not delusional – young man.” (p. 400)
Are there areas of your school that are more unsafe than others? What should be done?
What areas are "safe" areas? Where do you feel most comfortable?
i always feel safe in mrg's room or moms room no matter what. the hallways are pretty well patrolled in the locker room you have nothing now in are grade were old enough and know eachother well enough that no one picks on eacher but i think the locker room is the worst place or outside at recess. i dont know what you could do in a locker room because i wouldnt want a teacher watching the locker room while i was in there getting changed but at recess have more teachers out there.
I feel safe in Ms. Carr's room. Ms. Carr's room is always secure- we always have the door closed, and we say whatever and not get chastised for it.
I agree with Austin about recess being the worst. Because no matter what, the teachers never really know what's going on.
i think that the most "unsafe" place to be in school is probably the locker room. this is because you are the most vulnerable there. there arent any teacher supervision.. you are taking your clothes off.. i dont know. most guys are mature enough not to do stupid stuff or make fun of other people in thhe locker room, but it still happens.
the safest place in school for me, 100% room 211. everybody in that room is so comfortable with eachother, and everybody knows eachother from one heart to another. everybody loves everybody in room 211 and you dont have to hide behind masks in there.
dan o
The only place I feel uncomfortable in this school is Mr.Carrol's office. Thats the only place that I can get yelled at and I changed and I haven't been in there since last year, but it still gives me the chills going in there. I feel comfortable in Language arts class and macho lunch. I can say things in those rooms that I can't necessarily tell Mr.C. :)MATT(:
I feel the most comfortable in Ms.Carr's room. Its like the safe haven of the school. You know you can say stuff and not be judged. You can be yourself and feel safe there and she always gives out mints;).The least comfortable place for me is recess its so akward its like everyone is staring at everyone else judging them behind there backs some of the time. But mostly if you just hang with your friends and people you feel comfortable around your good.
Leah O.:)!
Unsafe and safe areas are always changing as people move. Your always safe when their is a teacher. No one will say or do anything harmful at the risk of getting in trouble when their is a teacher not too far away. However, at recess or sometimes at your locker you can be bait at any moment. And that is how middle school and high school work there's not much you can do about it.
yeah im pretty much safe like no one picks on me. i think cuz if they say something they will know ill like punch them or somethin like that. but i think the hallway is pretty safe like someone may say somethin to someone else but it doesnt really get any farther then that. but the worst is deffanity the locker room. the"uncool" kids get picked on like nonstop in the locker room. and maybe even like peter they feel uncoftable to udress with guys. but the safest place to be is probably Father Gs room ha oh and also moms room(austin) that place is like...ohmy god like i cant even explain how great that room is.its just like everyone loves everybody "ELE". but if i didnt have that class i would probably the matt royston of our school. i used to be a pretty big ass but now with like mr.g and stuff and MACHO LUNCH!!!! now i geuss my group of friends if they see a kid being bullied well step in and say somethin. but yeah i think our school is pretty safe
Nick Haas
hahahahahahahaha matt i have to agree with bigs tims room dude haha
Nick Haas
I think everyone will agree that room 211 is where you feel most comfortable. everyone is just theirself and speaks their mind. its greattt. but yea im gonna have to say that recess is the most unsafe places. everyone is doing their own thing, but you know that some people are talking about you behind your back. The teachers out there dont know whats going on and if there's a problem.. they dont really help.
hailey garthwaite
i think everyone pretty much thinks 211 is the safest place like eveerrr. you dont have to hide in there. you can do whatever you want and say whatever you feel, which makes me happy (:
i would have to say that the most unsafe place would be the cafateria at lunch time. even though there is teacher supervision, you still hear the innaprpriate things coming out of peoples mouths, you still hear gossip about everyone whos not sitting at your table and you just dont know what the other groups are saying about your group. its kind of scary, but i ve learned to just let them think what they want to think. Just stick to my friends and my group and i ll be fine (:
~Autumn <33
oh wow autumn your sooooo right. i hate the lunch room. Mach fo LIFE!!
Nick Haas
I have to agree with everyone room 211 is the safest place in the entire school. Some of the "unsafe" places for me are the locker rooms, the hall ways, and the principal's office. i think there is no way to make these places safe. some people might say "if we have more teachers in more places it would be safe" but i think that would make the problem worse because then you'll be bulled in places where no one could see you or even HELP you.
to tell you the truth teachers just make it worse. its the other students that have to step in to make the change. like if the bully sees that other students call him out on it hes ganna stop. cause if its not consitered cool with kids his age...then its not cool
obvoiusly 211, is the place to go. Its the place where i always feel safe in school or outside of school(i havent been to ms.carr's house yet) i dont feel like there is just one place that us more or less safe, because wherever anyone goes people are making fun of other people. whether its talking beind their backs, nick this is you, or just calling them names and stuff, it happens everywhere and once you leave the doors of 211 everyones a target.
i read mine over and i meant that people talk behind nicks back, my bad
the most unsafe place in my mind would have to be at lunch. as you pass by tables you can just feel the eyes of other groups on you and then you hear the whispers and you don't now if they are talking about you or not. by far the safest place would be in 211 with mr.g and ms.carr! you can just e yourself and laugh. if you laugh in any othher room your head just might be cut off. i like 211 because you have mr.g's immaturity and his great speeches and you having ms. carrs loving mother like attitude. you can always go to 211 if you feel alone or need someone to talk to.
-jessica packard-
You all have made Room 211 a safe place for each other. I could not be prouder of the way you all have responded and have each other's backs. And Nick I think you've got it- other kids have to step in and make the change- way to go. I may not be in room 211 physically in the future, but 211 will always be in my heart as will all of you. You are a very special group of kids. You are the joy in the work day!
Oops that was Ms. Carr :)
I'm glad my speeches are great, thank you Ms. Packard...oops I just farted!
If anyone targets you again Meggy, they'd better watch out. You have a class that will defend you, check that...a family that will step in.
the school to me is safe but thats me idk how it is for other kids who dont have a place where they know there safe. 211<33 and MACHO LUNCH LOVE YOU GUYS. but i mean when it comes to the locker room or even recess its really bad. some kids that others think are "uncool" get picked on and embarrased. i know anyone can be a target and maybe even i am but i do my own thing and dont let it bother me. but for some kids i cant imagine living with all day everyday never knowing if or what gonna happen "peter" im glad have what i have in this school
i think the school is safe. although at recess if your a kid who gets bullied you really cant hide from it.
this school is safe but i always feel safer with the teachers i trust. (mr G, ms carr, Ms j, Ms sorino, Ms delaney)
-Brett Blancha
I believe every area if school is safe for me. I have no area where I'm scared to be. The most safest place to be If there is one is defantly Mr G and Ms Carrs room.
The lat list was me Zach wood
The place I feel most comfortable is Mr G's lab room and Mr G's and Ms.Carr's room.Every morning i walk in to your room I'm not dreading to go to your class.Your class makes me happier and makes my day a lot better.
The place I feel most uncomfortable is at lunch.You feel like all the eyes r on you.
Leahh D
By far the safest place to be in the school is room 211. Theres always someone to talk to and your able to just be yourself without others making fun of you. Where i feel most uncomfortable is probably lunch because most everyone is staring at you when you take that first step through the doorway. But its really not that bad in my opinion.
The safest place in the school is Ms.C's or Mr.G's. In their everyone is themselfs and always feels comfortable.But, when I'am in school I feel pretty safe where ever I'am. The two worst places for kids who get picked on or bullied would have to be the bus and after lunch when were outside. The reason i said the bus is their is one kid who gets picked on by the two kids that sit across from him on the bus. I sometimes try to stop the kids from picking on him cause it gets on my nerves to see this.
Zach Anderson
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