How is wisdom acquired? Which experiences have you had that have made you wiser (smarter)? Describe what you've learned in 211 this year?
i think wisdom is aquired by learning from your mistakes over the years. i used to always get introuble with my friends. now before i am gonna do something stupid i have this feeling that tells me this is stupid dont do it and that helps me alot. in room 211 i have learned many things but some of the most important are to never bully people, always respect women, and never call anyone gay or fag.
i think Wisdom is aquired from learnig from your mistakes. One experiance that i learned from happened in lab. i was making fun of kyle by calling him a farmer and what not. I didnt think he was offended or hurt at all. But then Mr.G had a talk with me and made me realize that just because he didnt seem hurt dosent meen he wasnt really hurting inside.The main thing i learnt this year from Ms.Carr and Mr.G is to tolerate and respect everyone.
Wisdom is accuried by learning not for school or anything in that nature. It is more learned from listening to elder and hearing to see what they have to say. It is almost like a school but with more life lessons. One experience that has made me wiser (smater)is when somebody had said to me "respect all and you will get respect back." it is morer like what haven't I learned in 211.It ranges from how to treat people to what ever you wanted to know. This class will forever be missed
i also think wisdom is aquired from mistakes that you have made. over the last year in room 211 i think i learned a lot of things about myself. i think i used to be probably the most immature person in our 8th grade class. but because of 211 i think that i have matured soooo much. i really didnt like being immature. and i try not to be anymore. i dont want to be "that guy" because that guy is pretty much an ass hole. im glad that i finally matured and i try not to make the mistakes i used to make. my group of friends is pretty much always trying to look for trouble. lately it's kinda annoying, but still we're just kids having fun. i want to still be a kid but i dont want to be that kind of kid. so yeah room 211 gave me a lot of wisdom about myself and life. thank you ms carr and mr g.
i think wisdom is acquired from experience. if you have done something wrong in the past you learn from it in the future. Or if you do something wrong you warn your friends and they gain that knowledge. some experiences i have had would be like if you don't study you might not do as well..that would be like academic knowledge but that is not the knowledge that is important. the important knowledge is stuff i learned in room 211 this year, how to treat others with respect, to lend a hand to someone in need, and see the inside of a person and how they can change. i use John as an example all the time but that is because i see a HUGE change in him and it just awes me how much he has changed. to see someone for who they are now and not what they used to be is the greatest knowledge of all.
Wisdom is acquired by opening your mind and your ears. You can learn from many experiences. This year it was easy to learn from Ms. Carr and Mr. G because they are trusworthy people and they wont shun your question away they talk it out. They also don't have limits or boundaries on discusion. I also learn lessons from my parent like when they were young and mistakes they have made.I think before this year I was a good kid and wanted to help but didn't know quite how and in this class I learned so much about life in general and how to help!
Wisdom is acquired from experiences. If you go through something tough, then you'll learn how to deal with other things better later on in life. ~Jules :)
I think wisdom is obtained through learning from your mistakes and helping others to learn from theirs. Mr. G and Ms. Carr have taught all of us many things. Mikey is really right in saying this class will be truly missed. I think the most important people who can teach wisdom the the ones who have learned a lot from their past experiences and can give advice to people who need it. People like Mr.G are who I consider to be enlightened. He understands and lives the philosiphies that he reads about and enjoys doing so. We need more people like Mr. G and Ms. Carr to teach us.
I think Wisdom is Aquired by personal experiences. everyone has become wiser from something in their life at some point. I have had good and Bad experiences that have made me wiser. Like a close friend of mine. He was actually my Boyfriend a while back. When he first told me he loved me I realized that I didnt feel the same way and that I wasnt ready for a boyfriend yet. I ended up breaking up with him. This experience made me wiser because I needed to be shown that I wasnt ready and now I am more careful and concious of the way that I feel about a guy. I wont just jump into a relationship unless I think it could last. The whole situation really hurt me because I did care about him. But it also made me smarter when it comes to relationships :) ~Jenna <3!~
In room 211 this year... I dont even know where to begin. I have learned so much that has really affected me. I will NEVER forget anything i learned. Mr.G and Ms. Carr have really opened my eyes to the world. before this year all i knew were the 4 walls to a classroom and the definition of a pronoun. I never thought about the real world that we will all be living in soon enough. I have an idea of the hardships that may occur in my life and I am ready to take them on using the knowledge that Mr.G and Ms. Carr have passed down to us. I wish the year wasnt ending or that we could have a summer LA class. for once in my life i am really bummed that school is ending because I will never EVER be in a class so inspiring again in my life. I feel like I have grown up so much this year and become much wiser about everything. And its all thanks to Mr.G and Ms. Carr. <3 ~Jenna <3!~
Well, all this year a lot has gone on for me at home and that made me talk to a few of my friends and you guys (Ms.Carr and Mr.G). That helped sooo much! I mean I could of gotten through it, but at least now I get how to help my mom through some stuff... and I realized how much of a pain I could be sometimes. She can be stressed and I could start up and arguement for no reason. But, anyway hoooozers... talking to people this year have brought me to be wiser with my words and actions. OHHH, and I couldn't even list how many things I've learned in 211! It's really dissapointing for this year to be ending. I'm going to miss everyone including Ms.Carr and Mr.G): They've taught so many lessons that I'll keep with me through highschool and college!(: We love you Ms.Carr and Mr.G... hippos and fries all the way!
P.s. Jenna your post was amazing! It explains everything so perfectly. I couldn't figure out how to type everything up... but everything you said I agree with 100%!
this year has gone by too fast. but one of the many things ive learned this year is to be an independant person, and not that i cant be a part of a group but make decisions on my own and not to let someone else make them for me. and mr. g taught me that kind of in my own private session you could say. and i learn some what to what really being a man is about. and i think you need special experiences like ms. carr and mr. g's class to earn wisdom. it doesnt just come to you like some things it comes from having a person to look up to and i look up to Father G. and i think i get my wisdom from Father G. or my Mom Ms. Carr. And i love them both so dearly and if i didnt have their class i know i wouldnt be in school everyday because there is nothing to look forward to besides macho and i love that too.
I think wisdom is aquired through life experiences. Everything that you have experienced has helped you get smarter. Everything helps you get smarter, which is why in most movies, the mentors are almost always old. The longer you've lived the more you learned.
I think Wisdom is Aquired from the expiriences you go through or other peoples expiriences.The one thing that sticks into my mind that i probably learned in the first month of school was that u REALLY have to watch what you say because people react to things diffrently. I might just be kidding when i call someone gay ut it could really upset someone. I have tried my best to watch what i say to other people and i thik it can help me become a more polite person.
I just read over ryans after i posted mine. Another real important thing i learned was to RESPECT WOMEN, im not saying that i didntbefore but MR G really stressed it and i see now tht women are pretty much the most important thing and should be treated as such.
I agree completely with anyone who said that wisdom comes from mistakes. Wisdom does come from mistakes, and room 211 not only allowed us to notice are mistakes but change and make sure that we didn't make them again. Thank you Mr.G and Ms.Carr. :)MATT(:
I really liked Jenna's and Austin's post. I think that in this year i have learned to become my own person, and to be less shy. When i came to this school i was so scared to be who i really was (a bubbly, smart nice person). i felt like i was forced to be someone im not. but when this class started, i learned that no matter what i said or did in Mr g and Ms carr's class it wasnt going to be judged or talked about outside the class. mr. g and ms carr really made me feel like family and i will NEVER EVER forget anything that i have done/learned/talked about in that class. I will really miss this class with all my heart. i dont want it to end :( ive learned to love all of my class mates after i ve heard what they have been through and what their stories are. the one thing i will never forget is my pre-thoughts about some of the people in our class and how much they have changed. i have enjoyed this year more than any other because i look foward to this class every day and i wouldnt have it any other way. ~Autumn <3333 P.s. i am loving jennas idea of a summer language arts... thing. loll :)
For me wisdom comes from peoples mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, they have to learn from it sooner or later. Which they then gain the wisdom they need to not make that mistake anymore. And i agree with what matt said. that in being in 211 this year has opened the door of our mistakes and closes it with the wisdom that you need so that you dont make that same mistake that you made in the first place. ~~michaela howell(:
Wisdom is aquired by learning from the mistakes you make in life. If you dont make any mistakes than you never aquired any wisdom which I dont know anybody who hasnt made a mistake in there life. For example, I was making fun of my brother like calling him names and stuff. Then I could see the change in his face and the tone of his voice change. Then after that I regretted it alot and havent made fun of him as much. In 211 ive learned to realize what im actually saying to others. Also to always respect women and never put anyone down or bully. -ROB-
i think wisdom is aquired from mistakes that you have made in the past, and i think they come from the regrets you have because they teach you the wisdom to do better when a situation comes up again, and gives you new knowledge to never make another really bad mistake
Wisdom for me comes with age and knowledge. I have had a few expriences in my life that have made me wiser. For exapmle I walked onto a frozen lake and almost fell in. This made me realize not to walk on frozen lakes and helped me make wiser decisions toward things.In 211 i have learned many things. I learned people can be nice and cruel. I have also learned how to grow up a little. 211 has gave me a whole different outlook on life to.
I think what makes you aquire wisdom is any stitution you have been in good or bad.I think any experience could make you wiser from going on a rollercoaster on the first time or just going to the mall with friends. Basicly every thing I learned in this Language Arts class has made me so much more aware of whats going on in the world. I never knew that much about The Rwanya Gencide or the Combine shotting.I'm Really going to miss this class! Leah D.
Wisdom isn't knowladge. It's being able to understand a situation and figure out what the best thing to do with it is. Wisdom is acuired through experience. Switching up the way you respond when your mom asks you to clean your room, for example, and discovering that you get a better outcome saying "OK, hold on a moment," than if you say "NO!!" well, that was you acuiring wisdom. The wisest people are not the ones who know everything, they're the ones who are willing to change themselves in order to respond to a situation.
i think wisdom is aquired by learning from your mistakes over the years. i used to always get introuble with my friends. now before i am gonna do something stupid i have this feeling that tells me this is stupid dont do it and that helps me alot. in room 211 i have learned many things but some of the most important are to never bully people, always respect women, and never call anyone gay or fag.
~ryan m.~
i think Wisdom is aquired from learnig from your mistakes. One experiance that i learned from happened in lab. i was making fun of kyle by calling him a farmer and what not. I didnt think he was offended or hurt at all. But then Mr.G had a talk with me and made me realize that just because he didnt seem hurt dosent meen he wasnt really hurting inside.The main thing i learnt this year from Ms.Carr and Mr.G is to tolerate and respect everyone.
Dan Hoffing
Wisdom is accuried by learning not for school or anything in that nature. It is more learned from listening to elder and hearing to see what they have to say. It is almost like a school but with more life lessons. One experience that has made me wiser (smater)is when somebody had said to me "respect all and you will get respect back." it is morer like what haven't I learned in 211.It ranges from how to treat people to what ever you wanted to know. This class will forever be missed
i also think wisdom is aquired from mistakes that you have made. over the last year in room 211 i think i learned a lot of things about myself. i think i used to be probably the most immature person in our 8th grade class. but because of 211 i think that i have matured soooo much. i really didnt like being immature. and i try not to be anymore. i dont want to be "that guy" because that guy is pretty much an ass hole. im glad that i finally matured and i try not to make the mistakes i used to make. my group of friends is pretty much always trying to look for trouble. lately it's kinda annoying, but still we're just kids having fun. i want to still be a kid but i dont want to be that kind of kid. so yeah room 211 gave me a lot of wisdom about myself and life. thank you ms carr and mr g.
dan o
i think wisdom is acquired from experience. if you have done something wrong in the past you learn from it in the future. Or if you do something wrong you warn your friends and they gain that knowledge. some experiences i have had would be like if you don't study you might not do as well..that would be like academic knowledge but that is not the knowledge that is important. the important knowledge is stuff i learned in room 211 this year, how to treat others with respect, to lend a hand to someone in need, and see the inside of a person and how they can change. i use John as an example all the time but that is because i see a HUGE change in him and it just awes me how much he has changed. to see someone for who they are now and not what they used to be is the greatest knowledge of all.
-jessica packard-
Wisdom is acquired by opening your mind and your ears. You can learn from many experiences. This year it was easy to learn from Ms. Carr and Mr. G because they are trusworthy people and they wont shun your question away they talk it out. They also don't have limits or boundaries on discusion. I also learn lessons from my parent like when they were young and mistakes they have made.I think before this year I was a good kid and wanted to help but didn't know quite how and in this class I learned so much about life in general and how to help!
Leah O.:)!
Wisdom is acquired from experiences. If you go through something tough, then you'll learn how to deal with other things better later on in life.
~Jules :)
I think wisdom is obtained through learning from your mistakes and helping others to learn from theirs. Mr. G and Ms. Carr have taught all of us many things. Mikey is really right in saying this class will be truly missed. I think the most important people who can teach wisdom the the ones who have learned a lot from their past experiences and can give advice to people who need it. People like Mr.G are who I consider to be enlightened. He understands and lives the philosiphies that he reads about and enjoys doing so. We need more people like Mr. G and Ms. Carr to teach us.
Jon H.
I think Wisdom is Aquired by personal experiences. everyone has become wiser from something in their life at some point.
I have had good and Bad experiences that have made me wiser. Like a close friend of mine. He was actually my Boyfriend a while back. When he first told me he loved me I realized that I didnt feel the same way and that I wasnt ready for a boyfriend yet. I ended up breaking up with him. This experience made me wiser because I needed to be shown that I wasnt ready and now I am more careful and concious of the way that I feel about a guy. I wont just jump into a relationship unless I think it could last. The whole situation really hurt me because I did care about him. But it also made me smarter when it comes to relationships :)
~Jenna <3!~
In room 211 this year... I dont even know where to begin. I have learned so much that has really affected me. I will NEVER forget anything i learned. Mr.G and Ms. Carr have really opened my eyes to the world. before this year all i knew were the 4 walls to a classroom and the definition of a pronoun. I never thought about the real world that we will all be living in soon enough. I have an idea of the hardships that may occur in my life and I am ready to take them on using the knowledge that Mr.G and Ms. Carr have passed down to us.
I wish the year wasnt ending or that we could have a summer LA class. for once in my life i am really bummed that school is ending because I will never EVER be in a class so inspiring again in my life. I feel like I have grown up so much this year and become much wiser about everything. And its all thanks to Mr.G and Ms. Carr. <3
~Jenna <3!~
Well, all this year a lot has gone on for me at home and that made me talk to a few of my friends and you guys (Ms.Carr and Mr.G). That helped sooo much! I mean I could of gotten through it, but at least now I get how to help my mom through some stuff... and I realized how much of a pain I could be sometimes. She can be stressed and I could start up and arguement for no reason. But, anyway hoooozers... talking to people this year have brought me to be wiser with my words and actions.
OHHH, and I couldn't even list how many things I've learned in 211! It's really dissapointing for this year to be ending. I'm going to miss everyone including Ms.Carr and Mr.G): They've taught so many lessons that I'll keep with me through highschool and college!(: We love you Ms.Carr and Mr.G... hippos and fries all the way!
P.s. Jenna your post was amazing! It explains everything so perfectly. I couldn't figure out how to type everything up... but everything you said I agree with 100%!
this year has gone by too fast. but one of the many things ive learned this year is to be an independant person, and not that i cant be a part of a group but make decisions on my own and not to let someone else make them for me. and mr. g taught me that kind of in my own private session you could say. and i learn some what to what really being a man is about. and i think you need special experiences like ms. carr and mr. g's class to earn wisdom. it doesnt just come to you like some things it comes from having a person to look up to and i look up to Father G. and i think i get my wisdom from Father G. or my Mom Ms. Carr. And i love them both so dearly and if i didnt have their class i know i wouldnt be in school everyday because there is nothing to look forward to besides macho and i love that too.
I think wisdom is aquired through life experiences. Everything that you have experienced has helped you get smarter. Everything helps you get smarter, which is why in most movies, the mentors are almost always old. The longer you've lived the more you learned.
I think Wisdom is Aquired from the expiriences you go through or other peoples expiriences.The one thing that sticks into my mind that i probably learned in the first month of school was that u REALLY have to watch what you say because people react to things diffrently. I might just be kidding when i call someone gay ut it could really upset someone. I have tried my best to watch what i say to other people and i thik it can help me become a more polite person.
I just read over ryans after i posted mine. Another real important thing i learned was to RESPECT WOMEN, im not saying that i didntbefore but MR G really stressed it and i see now tht women are pretty much the most important thing and should be treated as such.
I agree completely with anyone who said that wisdom comes from mistakes. Wisdom does come from mistakes, and room 211 not only allowed us to notice are mistakes but change and make sure that we didn't make them again. Thank you Mr.G and Ms.Carr. :)MATT(:
I really liked Jenna's and Austin's post. I think that in this year i have learned to become my own person, and to be less shy. When i came to this school i was so scared to be who i really was (a bubbly, smart nice person). i felt like i was forced to be someone im not. but when this class started, i learned that no matter what i said or did in Mr g and Ms carr's class it wasnt going to be judged or talked about outside the class. mr. g and ms carr really made me feel like family and i will NEVER EVER forget anything that i have done/learned/talked about in that class. I will really miss this class with all my heart. i dont want it to end :(
ive learned to love all of my class mates after i ve heard what they have been through and what their stories are. the one thing i will never forget is my pre-thoughts about some of the people in our class and how much they have changed. i have enjoyed this year more than any other because i look foward to this class every day and i wouldnt have it any other way.
~Autumn <3333
P.s. i am loving jennas idea of a summer language arts... thing. loll :)
For me wisdom comes from peoples mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, they have to learn from it sooner or later. Which they then gain the wisdom they need to not make that mistake anymore. And i agree with what matt said. that in being in 211 this year has opened the door of our mistakes and closes it with the wisdom that you need so that you dont make that same mistake that you made in the first place.
~~michaela howell(:
Wisdom is aquired by learning from the mistakes you make in life. If you dont make any mistakes than you never aquired any wisdom which I dont know anybody who hasnt made a mistake in there life. For example, I was making fun of my brother like calling him names and stuff. Then I could see the change in his face and the tone of his voice change. Then after that I regretted it alot and havent made fun of him as much. In 211 ive learned to realize what im actually saying to others. Also to always respect women and never put anyone down or bully.
i think wisdom is aquired from mistakes that you have made in the past, and i think they come from the regrets you have because they teach you the wisdom to do better when a situation comes up again, and gives you new knowledge to never make another really bad mistake
Wisdom for me comes with age and knowledge. I have had a few expriences in my life that have made me wiser. For exapmle I walked onto a frozen lake and almost fell in. This made me realize not to walk on frozen lakes and helped me make wiser decisions toward things.In 211 i have learned many things. I learned people can be nice and cruel. I have also learned how to grow up a little. 211 has gave me a whole different outlook on life to.
Luke Gilbert
I think what makes you aquire wisdom is any stitution you have been in good or bad.I think any experience could make you wiser from going on a rollercoaster on the first time or just going to the mall with friends. Basicly every thing I learned in this Language Arts class has made me so much more aware of whats going on in the world. I never knew that much about The Rwanya Gencide or the Combine shotting.I'm Really going to miss this class!
Leah D.
Wisdom isn't knowladge. It's being able to understand a situation and figure out what the best thing to do with it is. Wisdom is acuired through experience. Switching up the way you respond when your mom asks you to clean your room, for example, and discovering that you get a better outcome saying "OK, hold on a moment," than if you say "NO!!" well, that was you acuiring wisdom. The wisest people are not the ones who know everything, they're the ones who are willing to change themselves in order to respond to a situation.
~Dan Fink~X~
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